Instead of attaching your program, you should post it in the thread (more people will read it if they don't have to click on anything) inside [code] [/code] tags. Here it is for reference:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <time.h>
#define ARR_SIZE 30
union semun {
   int                 val;
   struct semid_ds    *buf;
   ushort_t           *array;
int random_num(int one, int two);
int main()
   struct sembuf oper;
   pid_t child_processes[3];
   char buffer[ARR_SIZE]; 
   int shmid, *shmptr;
   pid_t child_pid;
   int status;
   int i, j, k;
   char int_counter;
   int child_process_status;
   int semid;
   int parent_pid;
   int rand_n;
   pid_t current_child;
/* returns the value of created segment */
   shmid = shmget( IPC_PRIVATE, ARR_SIZE*sizeof(char), SHM_R | SHM_W );
   if(shmid == -1) {
     perror("Shared memory segment not created\n");
/* maps the shared segment onto process' address. Ret ptr to it */
   (void *)shmptr = (char *)shmat(shmid, 0, 0);
   if(!shmptr) {
     perror("Did not attach mem to the process\n");
/* initialize shared memory to the array in this driver. */
   int_counter = (char *)shmptr;
/* initialize the first index of the array to the counter... is zero*/
/* we always subtract 33 from that counter to */
/* get the real number */ 
   (int) int_counter = 0;
/* set the beginning of the array of chars, which is int_counter +1 */
   buffer[1] = (char *) ( (void *) shmptr+sizeof(char) );
/* semaphores segement */
   if( ( semid = semget(IPC_PRIVATE, 1, 0777 ) ) < 0 ) {
     perror("Semaphore allocation failed\n");
   semctl( semid, 0, SETVAL, (union semun)1 );
/* forking */
   for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
     child_pid = fork();
     switch( child_pid ) {
        case -1:
                perror("Fork failed\n");
        case 0: /* child part */
                child_processes[i] = getpid();
                printf("Child no %d of process id %ld just forked\n", 
                        i+1, child_processes[i]);
                switch(i) {
                        case 0: /* child no 1 */
                                oper.sem_num = 0;
                                oper.sem_op = -1;
                                oper.sem_flg = 0;
                                semop(semid, &oper, 1);
                                printf("Child1 semaphore down: OK - proceed to CS.\n");
/*  ...........................CS............................................    */
                                for( j = 0; j < 50; j++) { 
                                   if((int)int_counter >= 29)
                                   else if((int)int_counter < 29) {
                                        int_counter = int_counter + sizeof(char);;
                                        rand_n = random_num(26, 65);
                                        printf("Random number for 1 is %d\n", rand_n);
                                        fprintf((shmptr+sizeof(char)+(int)int_counter), "%c", rand_n);
                                   for(k = 0; k < (int)int_counter; k++) {
                                     usleep(random_num(751, 8000));
                                     fprintf(stdout, "%c ", shmptr + k*(sizeof(char))); /* + sizeof(char) */
/* ............................end of CS ...................................   */
                                oper.sem_num = 0;
                                oper.sem_op = 1;
                                oper.sem_flg = 0;
                                semop(semid, &oper, 1);
                                printf("Child1 semaphore up: OK - child exit CS.\n");
                        case 1:   /* child no 2 */
                                  oper.sem_num = 0;
                                  oper.sem_op = -1;
                                  oper.sem_flg = 0;
                                  semop(semid, &oper, 1);
                                  printf("Child2 semaphore down: OK - proceed to CS.\n");
/*  ...........................CS..........................................    */
                                for( j = 0; j < 50; j++) {    
                                     if((int)int_counter >= 29)
                                     else if((int)int_counter < 29) {
                                        int_counter = int_counter + sizeof(char);
                                        rand_n = random_num(26, 97);
                                        printf("Random number for 2 is %d\n", rand_n);
                                        fprintf((shmptr+sizeof(char)+(int)int_counter), "%c", rand_n);
                                     for(k = 0; k < (int)int_counter; k++) {
                                       usleep(random_num(7501, 8000));
                                       fprintf(stdout, "%c ", shmptr + k*(sizeof(char)));
/* ............................end of CS ...................................   */
                                oper.sem_num = 0;
                                oper.sem_op = 1;
                                oper.sem_flg = 0;
                                semop(semid, &oper, 1);
                                printf("\nChild2 semaphore up: OK - child exit CS.\n");
                        case 2: /* child no 3 */
                                oper.sem_num = 0;
                                oper.sem_op = -1;
                                oper.sem_flg = 0;
                                semop(semid, &oper, 1);
                                printf("Child3 semaphore down: OK - proceed to CS.\n");
/* ............................CS........................................     */
                                for( j = 0; j < 50; j++) {  
                                   if((int)int_counter <= 0)
                                        ; /* do nothing, can't remove a char if arr empty */
                                   else if((int)int_counter > 0) {
                                      fprintf((shmptr+sizeof(char)+(int)int_counter), "%c", NULL);
                                      (int)int_counter -= (int)int_counter;
                                     for(k = 0; k < (int)int_counter; k++) {
                                        usleep(random_num(7501, 8000));
                                        fprintf(stdout, "%c ", shmptr + k); /* buffer? */
/* ............................end of CS ...................................   */
                                printf("Child3 semaphore up?\n");
                                oper.sem_num = 0;
                                oper.sem_op = 1;
                                oper.sem_flg = 0;
                                semop(semid, &oper, 1);
                                printf("Child3 semaphore up: OK - child exit CS.\n");
                        default: printf("Error\n"); 
                default: /* parent part */
   printf("All child processes exited.\n");
   printf("Removing shared memory segments and semaphores\n");
/* when mem not needed anymore, free it after all processes are gone ???????*/
   *shmptr = 0; /* OR shmptr = (char *)shmat(shmid, 0, 0); ?????? */
/* detach memory */
   shmdt( shmptr );
   /* free it */
   shmctl( shmid, IPC_RMID, shmptr );
/* remove the semaphore */
   semctl( semid, 0, IPC_RMID );
   printf("Parent %ld exits.\n", parent_pid);
   return 0;
/* three cases here: uppercase is 26, 65, lowercase is 26, 97 */
/* and for usleep is e.g 51, 50 */
int random_num(int one, int two)
   return( rand() % one + two);