HI Ng.

I got a littel problem with a pointer to a struct
struct Template {
struct Template const *NextMenu;

extern struct Template const MenuA;

struct Template const *PointerMenuA[] ={&MenuA,0};

struct Template const MenuA = {PointerMenuA[0]};
In my array "*PointerMenu" I got all my addresses, on all my menus,
in this example I only have one.

I want to get the address on "MenuA" by accessing my struct "MenuA",
but it seems impossible, I had thought of something like this, I
know it's wrong, so I hope that you can help me.

void main()
struct Template const *Pointer;

Pointer = &MenuA.NextMenu; // This is the line
I know that I can get the right address by doing this, but it is not good enough.

Pointer = PointerMenuA[0];
I hope you understand my question, if not please leave a message, and I will try to explain it better
Thank you in advance.
Søren Panduro - Denmark