Anyone know why this code wouldn't print out what's in the .txt file?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main( void )
     FILE *fp;

     if (( fp = fopen( "info.txt", "r" )) == NULL ) 
          printf( "Input file could not be opened\n" );
          exit( 1 );

     if ( fclose( fp ) == EOF )
     printf( "File couldn't be closed\n" );
     return 0;
and the .txt file reads:
printf( "This is the info.txt file.\n" );
printf( "This is the second line of text from info.txt.\n" );
printf( "This is the third line of text from info.txt.\n" );
printf( "This is the fourth line of text from info.txt.\n" );
printf( "This is the fifth line of text from info.txt.\n" );
printf( "This is the sixth line of text from info.txt.\n" );
printf( "This is the seventh lineof text from info.txt.\n" );
This is the first line without the printf command in info.txt
This is the second line without the printf command in info.txt
This is the third line without the printf command in info.txt
This is the fourth line without the printf command in info.txt
This is the fifth line without the printf command in info.txt
This is the sixth line without the printf command in info.txt
This is the seventh line without the printf command in info.txt