Well I am ashamed to say this ...but in all the time I am writing programs in C I always used data etc...directly from files. So I basically don't know how to put user input...I've checked some previous posts and tutorials but I can't really see what's wrong...the program works fine without the red part

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int linesoffilex(FILE *estream)
	fseek(estream, 0, SEEK_SET);
	char mb[8];
	char* forpop = "%7s\n";
	int j=0;
	while (fscanf (estream, forpop, mb) == 1)
	return j;
int main ()
	time_t timer;
	struct tm *tm_now;
	char filtime[BUFSIZ];
	char name[2];
	timer = time(NULL);
	tm_now = localtime (&timer);
	printf("press 1. to open a previous month or\n ANY key for current month\n");
	fgets(name, 1, stdin);
	if (name == "1")
		printf("enter full file name\n");
		fgets(filtime, 12, stdin);
		strftime (filtime , sizeof filtime, "%b %Y.txt", tm_now);
	FILE *astream;
	astream = fopen(filtime, "a");
	FILE *bstream;
	bstream = fopen(filtime, "r");
	int j, g, k;
	j = linesoffilex(bstream);
	double *kb;
	kb = malloc(sizeof(double)*j);
	fseek(bstream, 0, SEEK_SET);
	char * del = "%lf\n";
	for (g = 0; g < j; g++)
		fscanf(bstream, del, &kb[g]);
	double sum;
	for (k = 0; k < j; k++)
		sum = kb[k]+sum;
	FILE *cstream;
	cstream = fopen("statistics.txt", "w");
	fprintf(cstream, "Total kb so far: %lf\n",sum);
	fprintf(cstream, "Total kb remaining: %lf\n",3000-sum);
	fprintf(cstream, "Next day estimated usage: %lf\n",sum/j);
	fprintf(cstream, "Monthly estimated usage: %lf\n",(sum/j+1)*31);
	fprintf(cstream, "Daily recommented usage: %lf\n",(3000-sum)/(31-j));
	return 0;
What it does is that is exiting before the user inputs anything