Quote Originally Posted by BobS0327
Being a contract programmer, I just can't remember the last time a potential employer asked me if I was knowledgeable in ANSI C standards.
Interesting. The last time a potential employer asked me if I was knowledgeable in ANSI C standards was during my last job interview. I am now employed with them. One of the reasons I am employed with them is that I was pleased that I would be working for someone who knew and cared about what ANSI C was. Each to their own, though.

Nowadays, skillset requirements are Windows GUI, COM, DCOM, Graphics/Animation etc. There is now a serious demand developing for C# programmers. And the only C# standard is the Bill Gates standard.
This forum is on "C Programming". If it was called "Getting Windows jobs related to C" or something, the above would be vaguely relevant. As for the C# standard, you'll actually find it is standardised by ECMA as Ecma 334.

Have you heard of embedded systems? Have you heard of unix? Linux? It still exists, you know. In the server world, Windows only has a small percentage of the market.

All of the high end stuff C stuff I worked on would never meet ANSI C standards.
I write a lot of C code that is necessarily system dependent, but I try to abstract that away into an opaque interface whenever practical. That way, my program is still in ANSI C, with a set of function calls that wrap system dependent calls. If I want to port my software to another system, I need only change a small portion of the implementation, and the calling code needn't be aware.

The point I'm trying to make is that standards are nice but I wouldn't get in a tither over them.
I would. Again, this is a forum on "C programming". There are separate forums here on "Linux programming" and on "Windows programming", you may have noticed them. There's a reason for that.

People in this forum are working from all sorts of environments, not just Windows. If you assume Windows and give Windows specific code, it is useless to them if they are not using Windows. Also, even if they are using Windows, then they must be informed that it's not part of standard C. One reason for this is that when someone unrelated later issues a search for a certain topic, and finds a thread concerning what they wanted to know, it will be useless to them if the answers are platform specific.

The same applies to unix specific, or any other platform specific code.

BTW I have K&R's The C Programming Lanuage. It's been superceded by Petzold on Windows, Russinovich on Windows Internals, Hart on Systems Programming etc.
Now it becomes quite clear you are either trolling, or extremely ignorant. To give you the benefit the doubt, I'll assume you're trolling but indulge it anyway.

I've been coding in C professionally for 9 years now, and I have never once written a line of code under Windows, so those books don't even remotely apply to me, yet you say they supercede K&R. Strange.

I've heard that Petzold has a good reputation for Windows programming books, I'm sure it a spectacular publication, but it is a guide for a specific platform, and not about how to program in C.