I am somewhat new to C programming, but this looks like it should work. I am using MS VS .Net 2002. When I put my mouse over the variable, the strings match up, but when I compare them, the comparison does not equal each other. What I do here is parse a string, then I need to compare it. so if the string is "123 W Main St". It seems to parse ok, but when i come to the "W", I need to compare it with "W" and it does not work.

char * Grab_String(char* string, int length)
	char *ip;
	int i = 0;

	ip = (char *) malloc(length*sizeof(char *));
	while (i < length)
		ip[i] = string[i];
		i = i++;
	ip[i] = '\0';

	return ip;

char *ParseDelimiter (char *addr_string, char delimiter)
	char *field;
	char hold;
	int seperator;
	int str_len;
	int i = 0;
	int x=0;
	bool ok=false;

	str_len = strlen(addr_string);
	while (i <= str_len)
		if (addr_string[i] == delimiter)
		i = i++;

	field = Grab_String(addr_string, i);

	if ("W"==field)   //////HERE IS THE CODE THAT DOES NOT WORK

	return field;
Thanks for helping.
