I am having trouble bring information from a file into a structure and printing it out on the screen. How is that done? Here is the code I have that has the structure and the open statement. But not sure how to pull the data from the file and print it out.. Is that a plain printf statement?
#include <stdio.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>
     int  num_comp;           /*place holder for number of companies */
     float  num_months;       /*place holder for number of months */

   struct company{    /*structure to hold the file of company.txt*/
      char city[30];
      float months[10];
      char name[20];
      char manager[20];

    struct company *comp;  /*create structure pointer */

   int main(int argc, char **argv){

       FILE *fp;

       char filename[20];
       int choice, sum, counter;
       double average;
       float month;
     comp = (struct company *)malloc(sizeof(struct company));

       printf("Please enter the name of the relevant file:  ");
       scanf("%s", &filename);
       fp = fopen("filename", "r");   /*to open a current file*/
       fscanf(fp, "%s", &filename);

       printf("1. Enter 1 to get the statistics for a specific month.\n");
       printf("2. Enter 2 to get the overall statistics.\n");
       printf("3. Enter 3 to terminate the program.\n");
        printf("Please enter your choice:\n" );
       scanf("%d", &choice);

          case 1:
          printf("Which month are you interested in?");
          scanf("%f", &month);
          if (month > 4)
           printf("Sorry, this data is not available, please enter a valid integer from 1 to 4\n");


           for (counter =1; counter <= 19; counter=counter++)
           average = sum/counter;
           printf("Average sale for month %d: %f \n", month, average);

          case 2:
          case 2:
          printf("The statistics are below: %s\n ", filename);

          case 3:
          printf("Good Bye!\n");

      return 0;