I apologize for my "stupiditiy" but Im very new to programming languages. Sometimes you dont know the right way to ask a question. I slept on my code and decided that I shouldnt tackle two concepts when I need to concentrate on one. I decided to re-do the code to use a compound if statement verses learning case and function in one program.

My new code works perfectly. It just doesnt have a defined function which is the concept I am trying to learn. So I am reposting the working code and hope someone can take a few minutes to explain to a newbie how to shift the if statement into a defined function.

#include <stdio.h> //Include Files

int main(void)  //Main Program
	int c, // i/o character initialized
	int	n; // null character variable integer initialized
	printf("This program will strip all vowels from input text and print the output\n"); // printed messages
	printf("Enter some text ;-)\n\n");
	while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) //{ // while statement to capture characters
		if (c == 'a' || c == 'A'   //Compound if statement to capture vowels to null
			|| c == 'e' || c == 'E'
			|| c == 'i' || c == 'I'
			|| c == 'o' || c == 'O'
			|| c == 'u' || c == 'U'
			|| c == 'y' || c == 'Y') 
		n = c; //  captures vowels to a null character
	//return 0;
		putchar(c); //prints non-vowels
return 0;				