Hi guys i have the following code and i am trying to ask for user input and then calculate the users age from the system date. So if the user enters 01/01/1985 and it compares it to the current date it should say that they are 7374 days old. How could i calculate that i am having difficuly i have exstracted the system date already.

void calage()
 char buff[BUFSIZ];
 char date[12];
 int m,d,y;
 char dateTen;
 char dateUnit;
 char dateTotal;

 struct tm t;
 time_t now;    /* time struct*/

 time(&now);   /* put time into the &now variable*/
 t = *localtime(&now);     /* exstract the system time*/
 strftime(buff, sizeof(buff), "%d//%m//%y", &t); /* format the string*/

 /*printf("m = %d, d = %d, y = %d\n", m, d, y); */

 printf("The current date is %s\n",buff);    /* print the date to the screen*/
