Hi There,
I'm A C Progamming begginer and have never done any c programming at all.

I'm using the great C tutorials on this site, but ive come across a problem.

I've got to Here
and im on the "Else If" section.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int age;
    printf( "Please Enter Your Age\n" );
    scanf( "%d", age );
    if ( age < 100 ) {
         printf( "Wow Your Pretty Young !\n" );
         else if ( age == 100 ) {
              printf( "Your Really Old\n" );
              else {
                   printf( "Your Really Old And Crinkley\n" );
                   return 0;
I've typed that code from the "Else If" section into my compiler (Dev-C++) and it compiles fine, but the problem is, when you enter your age and press "Enter" the program preforms Illegal Operation and Closes....

Please Help Me With This Problem