k, i can't find the bug to this program

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)


/* Variable Declarations */
#define Pi 3.14159265

int sph_r, cb_s, crcl_r, sqr_s; 
int sph_sa, sph_v, cb_sa, cb_v, crcl_a, sqr_a;

/* Sphere */
printf("Enter the radius of a sphere: ");
scanf("%f", & sph_r);

sph_sa = 4 * Pi * sph_r * sph_r;
sph_v = 4/3 * Pi * sph_r * sph_r * sph_r;

printf("%f %f \n", sph_sa, sph_v);

/* Cube */
printf("Enter the length of a side of a cube: ");
scanf("%f", &cb_s);

cb_sa = 6 * cb_s * cb_s;
cb_v = cb_s * cb_s * cb_s;

printf("%f %f \n", cb_sa, cb_v);

/* Circle */
printf("Enter the radius of a circle: ");
scanf("%f", &crcl_r);

crcl_a = Pi * crcl_r * crcl_r;

printf("%f %f \n", crcl_a);

/* Square */
printf("Enter the length of a side of a square: ");
scanf("%f", &sqr_s);

sqr_a = sqr_s^2;

printf("%f %f \n ", sqr_a);