Hello to all.

I'm sorry but I'm just new at C programming and new to this forum as well. A friend told me that I could get some good advice regarding C programming here.

I've written a simple program while practicing the basics of C programming (and I mean BASICS - simple conditionals and scanfs...).

I'm having a problem with the program I wrote. I was able to compile and run it and it did work. The only problem was it won't wait for the user to type in the gender and the prompting of the user's home adress is a bit messy.

I was hoping you guys can solve this problem. I'll post in the code I've written. I hope someone can give me some insights on how I can solve this...

(It's really quite simple actually. I just don't know what went wrong.)


I attatched the file named test8.c since I can't post the whole code here...

Thanks again. More power to this forum.