Hi I am new to C programming and I have to produce a C program which holds data for competitors in a competition. The structure must have 5 fields, one to hold the competitor's name, one to hold a competitor number (which you allocate automatically as you read in the data for each competitor, use 1 for the first competitor, 2 for the second and so on), one to hold the river fish weight converted to ounces, one to hold the sea fish weight converted to ounces and a final field to hold the weight of fish caught in the fly fishing competition also converted to ounces.

I must also define an array with 8 elements, each of which is a structure as defined above.

The input should be exactly like this:
Competitor's name: Fred_Bloggs
Weight of Fish from the River Competition (Stones Pounds Ounces): 1 2 9
Weight of Fish from the Sea Competition (Stones Pounds Ounces): 4 10 7
Weight of Fish from the Fly Competition (Stones Pounds Ounces): 0 8 5

and the output should be outputted into a table.

Here is my code so far:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* Field Definitions */
  typedef struct competitor {
    char name;
    int comp_number;
    int river_fish;
    int sea_fish;
    int fly_fish;
  } data	;

  int n, count, x = 0; data *record;

  printf("Please enter number of competitors:\n");
  scanf("%d", &n);

  /* Creates dynamic array*/
  record = (data *)malloc(n * sizeof(data));

  for(count = 0; count <= (n-1); count++){
    printf("Please enter name competitor # %d\n", count+1);
    scanf("%s", &record[count].name);
    printf("Please enter weight of Fish from the River Competition (Stones Pounds Ounces) for competitor # %d\n", count+1);
    scanf("%d", &record[count].river_fish);
    printf("Please enter weight of Fish from the Sea Competition (Stones Pounds Ounces) for competitor # %d\n", count+1);
    scanf("%d", &record[count].sea_fish);
    printf("Please enter weight of Fish from the Fly Competition (Stones Pounds Ounces) for competitor # %d\n", count+1);
    scanf("%d", &record[count].fly_fish);

  for(count = 0; count <= (n-1); count++){
{ int i,j ;
  const i_limit = 8, j_limit = 5;

        do {
                printf("row %d:", i);

		do {
                        printf(" %3d", j);
                        j = j+1;
			} while (j < j_limit);


        		} while  ( i <=i_limit) ;

	 printf("Name: %s\n", (&record[count].name));
	 printf("River Fishing: %d\n", (&record[count].river_fish));
	 printf("Sea Fishing: %d\n", (&record[count].sea_fish));
	 printf("Fly Fishing: %d\n", (&record[count].fly_fish));

Please help, I would be eternally grateful! x