Thread: I can't think of a good project ...

  1. #1
    former member Brain Cell's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    I can't think of a good project ...

    Since the day i started to learn C , i've been making small projects in the end of each 2 or 3 chapters just to review the concepts. I also make projects when im away from C for a while and i need some refreshment.

    Now it has been a long while since i made a program , and i need to move on to C++ too , so i thought i should work on a project that will hopefully let me recall everything i've learned (and maybe learn a thing or two) , but i couldn't think of any usefull console program.

    I need a to make a program that :
    1. .. would be usefull for anyone who is familiar with console windows. Not just a program for geeks.
    2. ..requires the following :
      1. Linked lists ,stacks or queues.
      2. heavily rely on files and streams. (i.e : a program that deals with inputs from previous executions or analyse text files)
      3. Program parameters (argc & argv) (note : this one isn't really important)

    What i know about C is what any basic C book would cover (not binary trees though). However , im willing to learn any standard function(s) the project might require.

    Note that im not looking for a home-work-alike program. I need something REAL but not so complicated, so if you have any ideas please share them with me , It'll be much apprecited.
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  2. #2
    Watch for flying houses. Nessarose's Avatar
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    Simple port scanner maybe? You get to learn socket programming along the way.

  3. #3
    former member Brain Cell's Avatar
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    Nice idea , but im not willing to learn socket programming right now. I thought of this before but its a bit harder to do in a Windows platform because most of the tutorials i encountred were either easy but for *nix or for windows but with special and complicated functions\libs that might only work under a certian compiler. So i don't think im doing something that is windows\compiler based. (this made me want to learn sockets programming only on a platform with gcc)

    besides.. port scanners wouldn't need data from external files (maybe rarely) , and i need to review streams too.

    Thanks for replying Nessarose
    My Tutorials :
    - Bad programming practices in : C
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    (constrcutive criticism is very welcome)

    - Brain Cell

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Perpahs a media player (only for mp3, to reduce work) with media library??

  5. #5
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Something which mimics this (to a degree of your choosing)

    You can have lots of fun with statistics, like the amount of space occupied by each directory, file type, whether backed up or not etc etc.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  6. #6
    Registered User manofsteel972's Avatar
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    Only thing I can think of is some sort of file conversion or file manipulation program. Maybe a language translator or document converter from one format to another. Spell Checker maybe, maybe an audio mixer or sound effect generator.
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    -- Cowper

    Operating Systems=Slackware Linux 9.1,Windows 98/Xp
    Compilers=gcc 3.2.3, Visual C++ 6.0, DevC++(Mingw)

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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    xErath has a good idea
    download the fmod library and play around with that.

  8. #8
    former member Brain Cell's Avatar
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    xEarth & sand_man :
    that would be a bit difficult for me and i'd need to learn loads of stuff about it.

    manofsteel972 :
    yup... file manipulation

    Salem :
    This seems like the perfect project !! but im afraid that i can only do simple tasks like renaming a file , allocating its size, removing it, reading and writing from\to a text file and thats all.

    I've searched google and this site too but couldn't find something a bit advanced on this topic like how to :

    - search directory(s) for given file(s).
    - count the number of files in directory(s)
    - find the total size of files in a directory.
    - create new directories.
    - that :
    like the amount of space occupied by each directory, file type, whether backed up or not etc etc.
    and so on...

    i only found a thread here with Prelude showing a method for copying a file using DOS command (system() function) wich isn't really interesting because DOS will be doing all of the work for you...

    so... will you guys point me to like a tutorial that illustrates how to accomplish the previous tasks in pure C? (without DOS commands)

    or at least name some usefull file-related functions like 'remove()' and 'rename()' so i can study them and go on with my project.

    Thanks for replying.
    My Tutorials :
    - Bad programming practices in : C
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    - Brain Cell

  9. #9
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > i only found a thread
    Scroll down to the end to see my posts then

    And the FAQ for attributes and sizes
    Also by me
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  10. #10
    former member Brain Cell's Avatar
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    sorry i think i didn't notice those

    it looks a bit complicated at first glance but hopefully it'll be easier after i study it.

    Thanks for helping everyone
    My Tutorials :
    - Bad programming practices in : C
    - C\C++ Tips
    (constrcutive criticism is very welcome)

    - Brain Cell

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