Ive just recently started programming again and after reading K&R and experimenting I moved onto GTK (2). Im currently planning to port an application written in Java to C and GTK. Mainly because its a brilliant application and freebsd has some issues with java(well my 56k has issues with downloading the big packages required) aswell as wanting a pet project to work on .

I just have a few problems I cant figure out. Im sure there will be more but for now they are :

1: When creating a new window (such as a pop asking are you sure) how do i kill that specific window via the X at the top right. I can only seem to kill both windows(the main and the popup) or none at all.

2: How can i pass multiple values to a function on certain signals. I want to pass 2 text fields to a login function on a button click. I presume i could use const values in the function and call it multiple times with each text field(as the manual says i can) but that seems 'dirty'.