Hi there, people less ignorant than I. I'm fairly new to programming and am stuck. I sure could use your help.

The program below builds a house by asking a user for the number of floors and the type of siding that the user chooses from a menu. The house is then printed out and the user is asked if he wants to build again.
I had the program complete, but my professor didn't want me to initialize anything globally and instead wants me to do them all in the main. But now I run across the problem of having to initialize in each function the char or int was used in, and this re-initializes my counter, so I can no longer print the correct number of floors. I am guessing I have to use a pointer, but I am having trouble passing it between functions. I have browsed through the pointer tutorial on this site and in my book without help. I'm just completely out of ideas. So I removed the pointers so it would at least compile, and the result is below. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks.
/* Rob  -  Home.c */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

void process();      // call for process function
void intro();        // call for intro function
void roof();         // call for roof function
void floors();       // call for floors function
void ground();       // call for ground function
void sidingType();   // call for siding type function

int main()           //main function
{                    //begin intro
char play;           // initializing characer for play

     printf("\tWelcome to...\n");
     printf("\tBUILD YOUR DREAMHOUSE!\n\n");
     printf("\tBy: Rob's Construction Co.\n");
     printf("\tYou plan it, we build it!\n\n");
     printf("\tWant to start planning? y/n ");  //prompt for answer from user
     scanf("%c", &play);     //scanning answer from user
     fflush(stdin);          //flushing keyboard input
          if (play == 'y')     //begin if "yes"
              process();           //call for process
          } //end if
          else                // begin if "no"
               system("cls");   // clear screen
               printf("\t   Thanks for using Rob's Construction.\n");    //ending
               printf("\tDon't forget to tell your friends about us!\n\n");

               return 0;       //end program
          }  //end else
}      // end main

void process()        // main process

{                     // start process
      intro();        // starting intro and objective
      sidingType();   // call for siding type and conversion
      roof();         // call for roof
      floors();       // call for floors including loop
      ground();       // call for ground
}                     // end process

void intro()          // intro & objective, and call for floor number
int numFloors ;   //number of floors

     printf("\t\t BUILD YOUR OWN HOME!!\n\n");     //start objective
     printf("\tThe purpose of this program is to demonstrate the four ways to use\n");
     printf("\ta function(), Switch/Case and pointers. This project will finish the\n");
     printf("\tintroduction of Structure, Selection and Looping you learned in\n");
     printf("\tCOP1000 Data structures and Algorithms class and apply how it\n");
     printf("\tapplies to the C programming language.\n\n");
     printf("\tThis program asks you for the number of floors, and type of siding\n\n");
     printf("\tHow many floors would you like your house to be? "); //prompt for # of floors
     scanf("%d", &numFloors);   // scan # of floors and add to numFloors
}  //end intro

void sidingType()   // siding menu and concversion to type char
{                   //start sidingType
char siding;         // initializing characer for left side
char siding2;        // initializing characer for right side
int sidingChoice;    // storing siding preference

     system("cls");      //new screen
     printf("\t PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR SIDING TYPE:  \n\n");       //siding options
     printf("\t  \n");
     printf("\t 1. Straight (boring) siding | | \n");
     printf("\t 2. Brick (hurricane strength) siding [ ] \n");
     printf("\t 3. Log (Lincoln style) siding ( ) \n");
     printf("\t 4. Stucko (too cheap for brick) siding { } \n");
     printf("\t 5. X (whatever this is) siding X X \n");
     printf("\t 6. Shinge (poop on a) siding / \\ \n\n");
     printf("\t Please enter your siding preference:  ");
     scanf("%d", &sidingChoice);    //read user siding preference
          switch( sidingChoice ) {     //start switch for conversion
          case 1: siding = '|'; siding2 = '|'; break;     // conversion to straight
          case 2: siding = '['; siding2 = ']'; break;     // conversion to brick
          case 3: siding = '('; siding2 = ')'; break;     // conversion to log
          case 4: siding = '{'; siding2 = '}'; break;     // conversion to stucko
          case 5: siding = 'X'; siding2 = 'X'; break;     // conversion to x
          case 6: siding = '/'; siding2 = '\\'; break;    // conversion to shingle
          default: printf("Invalid option selected, straight assigned\n");
          siding = '|'; siding2 = '|';
          }      //end switch
}            // end siding type

void roof()  // function roof
{            // start roof
int numFloors;   //number of floors
     printf("\t                                                        \n");
     printf("\t                                     ,~ ~~ ,~ ~~~       \n");
     printf("\t                                 ,~ ~~ ~ ~~  ,~ ~~~~~   \n");
     printf("\t                                 ~~~ ,~ ~ ~~  ~  ~~     \n");
     printf("\t                       ^       ,~ ~~ ,~ ~~~     \n");
     printf("\t                      /_\\    _______           \n");
     printf("\t                     /___\\   |__|__|           \n");
     printf("\t                    /__|__\\  |_|__||           \n");
     printf("\t                   /_|___|_\\ |__|__|           \n");
     printf("\t                  /|___|___|\\|_|__||           \n");
     printf("\t                 /|__|___|__|\\__|__|           \n");
     printf("\t                /__|___|___|__\\|__||           \n");
     printf("\t               /_|___|___|___|_\\|__|           \n");
     printf("\t              /|___|___|___|___|\\_||           \n");
     printf("\t             /__|TOTAL FLOORS|___\\_|           \n");
     printf("\t            /__|___|_     _|___|__\\|           \n" );
     printf("\t           /_|___|___|___|___|___|_\\           \n");
     printf("\t          /-------------------------\\          \n");
}               //end roof

void floors()   //function floors with loop for # of floors
char siding;         // initializing characer for left side
char siding2;        // initializing characer for right side
int floorCount = 1;  // initializing counter to 1
int numFloors =0;   //number of floors

     for( floorCount>1; floorCount < numFloors; floorCount++)  //for loop
        printf("\t          %c                         %c\n", siding, siding2);
        printf("\t          %c                         %c\n", siding, siding2);
        printf("\t          %c     |---|     |---|     %c\n", siding, siding2);
        printf("\t          %c     |   |     |   |     %c\n", siding, siding2);
        printf("\t          %c     |---|     |---|     %c\n", siding, siding2);
        printf("\t          %c                         %c\n", siding, siding2);
        printf("\t          %c                         %c\n", siding, siding2);
        printf("\t          %c                         %c\n", siding, siding2);
        printf("\t          %c                         %c\n", siding, siding2);
        printf("\t          %c-------------------------%c\n", siding, siding2);
        }              //end floor
}                 // end floors

void ground()     // function ground
{                 // start ground
char siding;         // initializing characer for left side
char siding2;        // initializing characer for right side
char play;           // initializing characer for play

     printf("\t          %c                         %c\n", siding, siding2);
     printf("\t          %c      GROUND FLOOR       %c\n", siding, siding2);
     printf("\t          %c            1            %c\n", siding, siding2);
     printf("\t          %c        /======\\         %c\n", siding, siding2);
     printf("\t          %c         |----|          %c\n", siding, siding2);
     printf("\t          %c         |    |          %c\n", siding, siding2);
     printf("\t          %c         |   .|          %c\n", siding, siding2);
     printf("\t          %c         |    |          %c     \n", siding, siding2);
     printf("\t   @  @   %c         |    |          %c   @  @ \n", siding, siding2);
     printf("\t___|__|___%c-------------------------%c___|__|___ \n", siding, siding2);
     printf("\t '    .    '     . /      \\    '      .   '       \n");
     printf("\t   '         '    /        \\                 .    \n");
     printf("\t .  ~   '   '    /          \\   '   '    '     .  \n");
     printf("\t     '  .      ./            \\    .     .  ~       \n");
     printf("\t  '        '   /              \\    '         '    \n");
     printf("\t  .|Rob|'  '  /                \\.  ~  '|Rob   | \n");
     printf("\t================================================ \n\n\n");
     printf(" Would you like to build another house? y/n  ");
     scanf("%c", &play);     // read  player's response to playing again

          if (play == 'y')       // if statement for play again
              process();           // call for prosess
          }                    //end if
          else                // statement for not playing again
             printf("\t   Thanks for using Rob's Construction.\n");
             printf("\tDon't forget to tell your friends about us!\n\n");

         }  //end else
}      // end ground