I am learning about functions, and so I would like your criticism (if there is anything wrong with the way I did things) - the program works, but that does not mean its right....pragmatism is not so good sometimes.....

#include <stdio.h>

float convert( float fahr_to_func );

/* fahr_func.c - kermit - August 20, 2003
 * (another exercise from K & R)
 * print Fahrenheit to Celsius table                        
 * for fahr = 0, 20, ..., 300                               
 * This version uses a function for the conversion 

int main(void)
     float fahr;
     float fahr_to_func;
     #define LOWER 0      /* lower limit of temperature table */
     #define UPPER 300    /* upper limit of temperature table */
     #define STEP  20     /* step size */
 printf( "\n" );
 printf( "\t\t+------------------------------------------------+\n" );
 printf( "\t\t|                                                |\n" );
 printf( "\t\t|     Fahrenheit to Celsius Conversion Table     |\n" );
 printf( "\t\t|                                                |\n" );
 printf( "\t\t+------------------------------------------------+\n\n" );
 for ( fahr = LOWER; fahr <= UPPER; fahr = fahr + STEP )
	  fahr_to_func = fahr;
          printf( "\t\t\t\t%3.0f\t%6.1f\n", fahr, convert( fahr_to_func ));

     printf( "\n" );
     return 0;

/* convert; convert Fahrenheit to Celsius */

 float convert( float fahr )
	   float celsius;
           celsius = ( 5.0 / 9.0 ) * ( fahr - 32.0 );
	   return celsius;
try and be nice
