Originally posted by inkedmn
in all the examples i've seen, when a structure is created, it never initializes the variables to values, it just declares the variable and it's type. is it possible to initialize a variable within a structure when the structure is created?
You can initialize an object, but not a type.
#include <stdio.h>

struct ink {  /* type */
    char name[60];
    int age;

int main( void )
    struct ink /* type */ svar /* object */ = {"inkedmn"}; /* initializer */
    union {/* type */
        int  i;
        char c;
    } uvar /* object */ = { 42 }; /* initializer */
    printf("svar.name = \"%s\"\n", svar.name);
    printf("uvar.i = %d\n", uvar.i);
    return 0;

/* my output
svar.name = "inkedmn"
uvar.i = 42
A search might turn up some info about structs/unions.