Thread: What is wrong with my sscanf function?

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    Registered User
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    Mar 2003

    How do I calculate standard deviation.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <fstream.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    typedef struct {
    	int age;
    	double off_time;
    	char gender;
    } runner_t;
    typedef struct {
    	int N;
    	double sumt;
    	double sumt2;
    	double mean;
    	double SD;
    } age_record_t;
    /*typedef struct {
    	int age[60];
    } male_t;*/
    /* Declaring Prototypes.*/
    int not_blank (char * line);
    runner_t creat_record(char line[], int icount);
    int main()                          
    	char line[200];
    	int icount = 0;
    	age_record_t fandm; 
    	fandm females[100];
    	fandm males[100];
    	runner_t person;
    	FILE *infile;
    	FILE *outfile;
    //	connecting the file pointers to the actual files.
    	infile = fopen("marathon_txt.txt","r");
    	outfile = fopen("copy.txt","w");
    /*	Read the entire data file
        fgets reads a line up to and including \n, returns NULL if error 
        or it encountered the end-of-file.  */
    	while (fgets(line,199,infile) != NULL)
    		if (not_blank(line) == 1)
    			person = creat_record(line,icount);
    			if (person.gender =='F')
    				females[person.age].sumt+= person.off_time;
    				females[person.age].sumt2+= person.off_time * person.off_time;
    			if (person.gender == 'M')
    				males[person.age].sumt+= person.off_time;
    				males[person.age].sumt2+= person.off_time * person.off_time;
    	printf("The program read %d lines \n",icount);
    	printf ("There are %d runners \n", icount);
    	return 0;
    //Not_Blank function takes out the spaces as the file is being read.
    int not_blank(char * line)
    	while (*line != '\0')
    		if (*line !=' ' && *line != '\t' && *line != '\n') return 1;
    	return 0;
    runner_t creat_record(char line[], int icount)
    	runner_t person;
    	double hours = 0.0; 
    	double mins = 0.0;
    	double secs = 0.0;
    	char *paren_ptr = '\0';
    	char paren ='(';
    	int fcount = 0;
    	int mcount = 0;
    	if(line[6] == 'F')
    		person.gender = 'F';
    		fcount ++;
    		person.gender = 'M';
    		mcount ++;
       /* This part of the fuction puts the age into the runner_t struct.*/
    	paren_ptr = strchr (line, paren);
    	if ( paren_ptr != NULL ) 
    		sscanf ( paren_ptr+1, "%d", &person.age);
    		fprintf( stderr, "Panic!!\n" );
    		exit( 1 );
       /*This part of the fuction puts the calls a fuction that converts the time and puts into the 
       struct as minutes*/ 
    	sscanf (line + 60,"%lf:%lf:%lf", &hours, &mins, &secs);
    	person.off_time = (60.0 * hours + secs/60.0 + mins);
    	//printf("%.2lf", person.off_time);
    	return person;

    In this program , the creat record function, returns the age time and gender of every runner. The main fuction reads lines of text from a file, as the data is returned from the data-extractin function, the results are supposed to be added to an array of different structs , arrayed by age. This array shd be of type age-record tight?
    Am I declaring the arrays right? I don't think I am since I get an error message:
    missising ; before identifier females ...and males.

    Also once I get these numbers, how do I compute the standard deviation of their times... for all the ages? ..Go through the array twice... making sure that there is valid data(N>=2)?

    In the end I'll print the age, gender , mean and standard deviation to the screen.
    Last edited by doampofo; 03-09-2003 at 10:51 PM.

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