switch( volk )
    case LazyBastard:
        printf("I'm a lazy bastard.");
        printf(" Rather than actually getting");
        printf(" off my ass, I'll post to the");
        printf(" C board and maybe they");
        printf(" take pitty on me.\n");

    case SomewhatMotivated:
        printf("I'm somewhat motivated.");
        printf(" I'll see what I can find first");
        printf(", and if I can't find anything,");
        printf(" I'll post on the C board.\n");

    case WantToLearn:
        printf("I want to learn!");
        printf(" I've studdied my book,");
        printf(" and I have done my best");
        printf(" but I'm still stuck. I've");
        printf(" read the FAQ and the");
        printf(" sticky notes on the C");
        printf(" board. Having done all");
        printf(" of that, I'll post my code");
        printf(", a description of the issue");
        printf(", what I want it to do,");
        printf(" what it is doing, and any");
        printf(" error messages if I am");
        printf(" getting any.\n");
That's what switch is good for...
