Originally posted by Sebastiani
Hmm, well, let me know if you don't find a converter, I'd be more than glad to $tamp one out for you.

And as for the defs, just a little clarification. When you see functions defined like that, it just means that either: the code behind one of them may not work on your machine (OS specific) or else it's just a downgraded function (the scoreless is considered "newer and better"). But the whole point is making it potable, so you shouldn't have to do anything but define something:

#define WIN_32 /* you put this here if running windows */
#define SOME_OTHER /* this if the other, etc... */

// the compiler has the following...

#ifdef WIN_32
#define message_function _message_function
#define message_function __message_function

But there could be other reasons too. Could you post the defines?

Well the underscore thing is ment by using teh dl* functions in *NIX. in OpenBSD a function in the executable loks like _somefunction, and in linux it loks liek somefunction, so when I use dlsym() to access the function I need an efficient means of handling the openbsd and linux version of things.

OpenBSD is not the only OS to put a _ in front (I'd assume it relies more on the verison of gcc/ld ???).

Also, I think I'm just going to use DOM to parse the HTML and then convert the tree to XML as I go along, that should work good right? I hear DOM is more memory intensive, but alot cleaner than SAX.