i want to print all the rows of my array and for whatever reason im having some difficulty, probably a quick fix but i cant find it

#include <stdio.h>

#define length 1024

int Capitalize(int ch);
void UserInput(char string[]);
char NEW_2D_array(char* str);

/* the main function prints a  message to the user, the user inputs a string
** other functions are called to make sure that the desired information is found
** and ultimately printed neatly in a table like this...

Total Words: 6

Word Count	Word			Character Count
1			SEA					3
2			TO					2
3			SHINING				7
4			C					1
5			HELLO				5
6			WORLD				5
char TWO_D_array[1024][100];
int wordcount, charcount;
int r, c, i;

int main()
	char str[length];
	int i, ch;
	ch = 0;

	printf("Enter a string of characters\n");        /* this is where the user */
	printf("End input by pressing <CTRL-Z>\n\n");	 /* will input their string */
	printf("Enter string: ");

	/* this part goes through every letter of the */
	/* array and checks to see if the letter is upper case */
	for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++)	
		str[i] = (char) Capitalize(str[i]);


	printf("Word Count           Word          Character Count\n");

	while (TWO_D_array[r][c] != '\0')
		printf("%-21d%s%10d\n", wordcount, TWO_D_array, charcount );

	return 0;

char NEW_2D_array(char* str)
	r = c = i = 0;
	charcount = 0;
	wordcount = 0;

	for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++)
		TWO_D_array[r][c] = str[i];

		if ((str[i] == ' ') || (str[i] == '\n'))
			c = 0;

	return (TWO_D_array[r][c]);

/* this function capitalizes letters that are lower case by using math */
int Capitalize(int ch)
	if (( 'a' <= ch) && (ch <= 'z' ))
		return (ch + 'A' - 'a');

		return ch;

/* takes input from user by cycling through every letter in the string up until
** the EOF marker, when the marker is hit, the last element in the array is set 
** as the NULL character */
void UserInput(char string[])
	int ch;
	int i = 0;
	while ( (ch = getchar()) != EOF )
		if (ch != '\n')
			string[i++] = (char) ch;

	string[i] = '\0';
