Thread: *function

  1. #1
    Banned master5001's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Visalia, CA, USA


    I have been programming long enough to know what is correct....but

    typedef int (*pfunc)(void);
    int some_func(int arg, pfunc func) {
        int i = (*func)();  //correct
    But here is where I am unclear:

    typedef int (*pfunc)(void);
    int some_func(int arg, pfunc func) {
        int i = func();  //incorrect but works
    The second example does work. As a typical programmer who tends to cut corners from time to time I would like to know if there is any disadvantage to not dereferrencing a call to a pointer to a function?

  2. #2
    Registered User char's Avatar
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    I think a function name, much like an array name, is just a pointer.

    int func( void );
    func is a pointer to a function, with no arguments, returning int.

    int a = func( );
    int a = (*func)( );
    Both statements above are just the same.
    Last edited by char; 10-21-2002 at 05:50 AM.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Banned master5001's Avatar
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    Aug 2001
    Visalia, CA, USA
    Sweet, the book and the link say the same thing for those of you who don't own the book. In my opinion--as if anyone cares, I prefer to not dereferrence a pointer to a function. However, I think that it may be a good thing to do when someone else is reading your code (or you in the distant future) as a means of conveying that it is a pointer not an actual function.

    Thanks for setting me straight everyone.

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