I could be wrong, but it appears that you're talking at cross purposes. I take from quzah's post that scanf will hold those items in the buffer you just don't see the actual process, I don't know if I'd expect them to remain there very long, I don't know much about the actual buffer *shrug.

You can clear stdin before doing a scanf to make sure there's nothing floating around in there (if you really want the extra info users are entering make you array take 12 elements ).

Something like
while ( getchar() != '\n' );
will do the job in most cases. (well, O.K. most in my lmited encounters).

fflush (stdin) will just incur the wrath of Prelude, forget undefined behaviour, fear the wrath of Prelude.

OK. I take from quzah's first post. Dammit quzah, you're too on the ball