I am studying a C program and English...

>So, do you just want to remove the section of code that asks the user to "Insert source diskette and press <ENTER>" ?

I want to lose action of "press <ENTER>".
Copy is started immediately when the file in FDD is specified.

I modifyed the 80 to 82th line as follows.
int read_disk(int drive, FILE *fp)
int i, error, size;
int track, cyl, sec, head;

error = FALSE;
i = ENTER;
if (i == ENTER)
i = get_drive_parameter(drive, fp);

And execution.
C:>program.exe a:\A.txt(enter)
Insert source diskette and press <ENTER>... <- copy of a file does not start.
Where is wrong?
Is it short of my modification??
