Recursion is very similar to a loop, instead of calling the function again, simply reiterate.

>it show message box and tell me there is Stack Overflow error
count = 1 + FindAreaof5(x, y-1) + FindAreaof5(x+1, y-1) 
+ FindAreaof5(x+1, y) + FindAreaof5(x+1, y+1) 
+ FindAreaof5(x, y+1) +FindAreaof5(x-1, y+1) 
+ FindAreaof5(x-1, y) + FindAreaof5(x-1, y-1);
Hmm, I wonder why...Each time a function calls itself, completely separate copies of it's variables are popped onto the stack, meaning that something like the above code will fill available stack space pretty quickly. This is the type of situation where an iterative solution is far better than a recursive one.
