Thread: shareing a hashtable containing a linkedlist between processes

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Feb 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by madsenofthebft View Post
    As the title hints at, I have a key/value hash table where the keys are strings and the values are Linked lists. I would like to change the data in the linked lists from child processes. How can i do this? Is there a way to make the pointer to the hash table available between processes?

    Or how to access a function in the parent process would work to.
    I will elaborate.

    Im creating kind of a chat application, the connected users are in "rooms" and can change to another room. The rooms are the hash table keys and the values are lists of all the connected users. A message from a user goes out to all the other users in the same room. As a user connects the program forks and the childprocess needs to be able to use the hashtable to send messages to the other users, or change room.

    Im currently compiling it for ubuntu.

    I accomplished this with threads but now i want to use fork instead. It seemed like a better idea.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Feb 2023
    Good morning.

    Im currently compiling it for ubuntu.
    Sounds good. So, you got two primary options here. POSIX shared memory, and the shared memory API from System V. I will give an example of how to use System V API, but I can also cook up an example of the POSIX API if you'd like.

    So, first off, we have the host process which creates, and writes to the shared memory. If you copy these examples into your computer, make sure they are both in the same directory.

    The host process will create a new file called SHARED, which is used by the host and client processes to gain access to the shared memory (UNIX and its derivatives are (in)famous for their use of the file system as a namespace of sorts).

    The host process will generate a key based off the path to the file, and this key is used to both create and access a shared memory segment. The key generation is deterministic-- based off of the file path-- which allows for both processes to access the same shared memory.

    The key is used to tell shmget. to return the id of the shared memory segment, creating it if it doesn't exist, or just returning the existing one if it does exist. We then grant our process access to the shared memory using shmat.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/ipc.h>
    #include <sys/shm.h>
    /* This is the structure we want to reserve space in shared
     * memory for */
    struct User {
        char name[32];
        char password[32];
    /* Create a new shared memory segment with the id '0' from
     * a new file, returning the id of the shared memory segment */
    int create_shared_memory(const char *path, size_t size) {
        FILE *new_file = fopen(path, "w");
        return shmget(ftok(path, 0), size, IPC_CREAT);
    /* Detach the memory location, preventing us from accessing
     * it, and delete the shared memory segment. */
    void delete_shared_memory(void *location, int id) {
        shmctl(id, IPC_RMID, NULL);
    int main(void) {
        /* We want this shared memory segment to have a size
         * big enough to hold this structure. */
        int id = create_shared_memory("./SHARED", sizeof(struct User));
        struct User *user = shmat(id, NULL, 0);
        /* Write the username and password to the memory segment */
        strncat(user->name, "bob", 32 - 1);
        strncat(user->password, "12345", 32 - 1);
        /* Give the client process time to read the password */
        delete_shared_memory(user, id);
        return 0;
    And the client code..

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/ipc.h>
    #include <sys/shm.h>
    /* This is the structure we want to reserve space in shared
     * memory for */
    struct User {
        char name[32];
        char password[32];
    /* Normally, this would create a new shared memory segment,
     * but this should be called *AFTER* the host process was
     * spawned so it can create the shared memory. However, we
     * still need to get the shared memory id, and will instead
     * simply get the existing one. */
    int get_shared_memory(const char *path, size_t size) {
        return shmget(ftok(path, 0), size, IPC_CREAT);
    /* Detach the memory location, preventing us from accessing
     * it. The host process should handle deletion of the shared
     * memory. */
    void delete_shared_memory(void *location, int id) {
    int main(void) {
        /* We want this shared memory segment to have a size
         * big enough to hold this structure. */
        int id = get_shared_memory("./SHARED", sizeof(struct User));
        struct User *user = shmat(id, NULL, 0);
        /* Read the username and password to the memory segment */
        printf("My username: %s\n", user->name);
        printf("My password: %s\n", user->password);
        /* Detatch the shared memory segment */
        delete_shared_memory(user, id);
        return 0;
    This is, of course, a fair bit of information to throw at you. If you are confused about anything, please, tell me and I will try to elaborate or simplify where needed.

    the connected users are in "rooms" and can change to another room. The rooms are the hash table keys and the values are lists of all the connected users. A message from a user goes out to all the other users in the same room. As a user connects the program forks and the childprocess needs to be able to use the hashtable to send messages to the other users, or change room.
    I'm going to be honest.. the choice to use shared memory as a strategy here seems like a bad idea! Forking a process carries a lot of subtle implications. Unless you used shared memory as a temporary spot to store messages (e.g writing one message at a time to the shared memory, having the other processes copy it, and repeating when there is a new message), then you will probably have a lot of other problems.

    Even if you were doing the simplified example I provided, you would still need to synchronize the processes which is a whole other topic. If you ask me, the better solution to this problem is sockets! Using sockets, you can keep things single threaded by multiplexing using poll or select, arguably decreasing complexity, so I think that might be the better route for you.

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