
I'm trying to do some project at C because I'm new at coding,

I making a Decoder and Encoder for Morse code.
I use morse configuration by user free choice of: frequency[Hz] of dot, frequency[Hz] of dash, time of dot[ms], time of dash[ms], and delay between dot and dash[ms].

the user writing the configuration and the text, the text converted to morse code.
now I want to make an output WAV file of the morse code text (dot and dash) with the user configuration (part of the WAV file).

I tried a lot of examples from the internet and GitHub and I didn't succeed...

this part of my code:
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include "config.h"
#include <conio.h>

int transmit()
//---------------------------------Setting & Variables-----------------------------------------//
	system("cls");//clear screen
	//char T[25] = { '\0' }; //transmit user input variable 
	char str[25],str1[100]; //str contain the text from user, str1 contain the morse convert
	int i = 0, j = 0;
	int count = 0;
	//unsigned int frequancy_dash, frequancy_dot, dash_time, dot_time, delay_dd;
	//int index = 0,c;
	//char buffer[256]; //to read from config.txt
	struct Config config; //create stuck type Config named config
	int configmain(void);
//-------------------------------Read Configuration file---------------------------------------//
	FILE* fp;
	fp = fopen("config.txt", "r");
	if (fp == NULL) //check if the file exist if not --> go to config function to create new config.txt file
	else //if config.txt empty --> go to config function to create new config.txt file
		fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);//start from 0 location to the end of the file
		if (ftell(fp) == 0) //check if the file empty
	rewind(fp);//back to file start

	while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) //read all config.txt
	rewind(fp);//back to file start
	while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
		if (!parse(buffer))
			return 0;
	gets(enter);//recive the 'Enter' pressing from user 



//new config v1.2//
//-------------------------------Read Configuration file---------------------------------------//
	FILE* fp;
	fp = fopen("config.txt", "r");
	if (fp == NULL) //check if the file exist if not --> go to config function to create new config.txt file
		printf("error reading config.txt - Press Enter\n"); //UI error message
		system("cls"); //clear screen
		return 1;
	system("cls"); //clear screen

//--------------------------------Display configuration----------------------------------------//
	config_read(&config, "config.txt"); //read config.txt file
	printf("Exists configuration:\n"); //UI message
	printf("Freq dot is %i\n", config.freq_dot); // UI Display what is in config file
	printf("Freq dash is %i\n", config.freq_dash);
	printf("Time dot is %i\n", config.time_dot);
	printf("Time dash is %i\n", config.time_dash);
	printf("Delay %i\n", config.delay);

//-----------------------------------Recive user text------------------------------------------//
	int morse(); //define morse function
	morse(str,str1); //convert string to morse

        //WAV_morse_create(str1) // <-------------------[[[here i don't know what to do... i dont have this function its only for example ]]]

ill glad for your help.