Hi guys!

After I managed to make the MP3 player, not I am stuck on scanning a list of FilePath/FileName from a database file and using it to play the music.

Scanning the directory and recording all files in a file database works correctly. But I can not read from this file for some reason. I will nead this for my encryption software after this, which will also scan a directory and encrypt everything in it. I also may need to skip non media files somehow.

/************************************** Plays most music/vide files **********************************************/
int iPlaySound ()
                                      // Local variables and initialization //

                                      // User input and initial warnings //
//::MessageBox (hwnd, "The codecs must be installed.\n" , "Information:", MB_OK);  /* MB_OK == Message box with button "OK" only. */
//iTemporaryVariable1 = GetWindowText (hHandle1, &caTemporaryVariable8 [0], 1024); // hHandle processes the input from the EDIT text box. Save from element 0 of the global variable "caTemporaryVariable10" to maximum 1024.                                        // Add " gear" before updating th STATIC text box down with the value from the EDIT text box up.

//strcpy (caTemporaryVariable8, cpMediafileName);
//AddDashToPath (cpMediafileName, iInputFromUser); // Replace \ with \\ for the file path. Unnecessary, since its already done in
                                                   // the iScanDir () function.

char *cpErrorText = "DEBUG: Can not open the file in iPlaySound ().";
FILE *fpFilePointer;
char *cpFileOpenMode = "r";
char caFilePathName [4096] = "FilesList.cfc";
char cpMediafileName [4096];

fpFilePointer = fopen (caFilePathName, cpFileOpenMode);

if (fpFilePointer == NULL)
    printf (cpErrorText);
    SendMessage (hHandle200, WM_SETTEXT, 200, (LPARAM)cpErrorText);               // Updates a CreateWindow("Static"... or CreateWindow("EDIT" textbox. If we replace argument 1 with hwnd, it will update the title bar.

while (fscanf(fpFilePointer, "%s", cpMediafileName) == 2) // Until we reach the end of the file, record every row in cpMediafileName.
    printf ("DEBUG: Play sound.");
    SendMessage (hHandle200, WM_SETTEXT, 200, (LPARAM)"Play");               // Updates a CreateWindow("Static"... or CreateWindow("EDIT" textbox. If we replace argument 1 with hwnd, it will update the title bar.

    sprintf (caTemporaryVariable9, "open \"%s\" type mpegvideo alias mp3", cpMediafileName);
    //::MessageBox (hwnd, caTemporaryVariable9, "DEBUG:", MB_OK);  /* MB_OK == Message box with button "OK" only. */
    printf ("%s", caTemporaryVariable9);
                                      // Processing //
    mciSendString("close mp3", NULL, 0, NULL);// The close for the media file is at the beginning in order to close the old media file after a new has been loaded and allow the other toolbox functions.
    mciSendString(caTemporaryVariable9, NULL, 0, NULL);
    //mciSendString("play mp3 from 0 wait", NULL, 0, NULL);
    //mciSendString("play mp3 from 0", NULL, 0, NULL);
    mciSendString("play mp3", NULL, 0, NULL);

fclose (fpFilePointer);                                 // All files must be closed.

return 0;                                               // Status code for everything is OK.
Scan directory and record all file names with the path in FilesList.cfc.
/**************** Write to file *************************/
int iWriteToFile (char caText [4096], char caFileName [4096], char *cpFileOpenMode) // A file name and path with a maximum of 4096 characters.
                                                        // Local variables and initialization
    FILE *fpFilePointer;                                // A pointer to data of type FILE in order to process the file.

    char *cpErrorMessage = "Error:\n The file can not be opened!\nPossible reasons:\n Wrong permissions.\n The file path is not correct.\n The file name is not correct.\n Other\n.";

    fpFilePointer = fopen(caFileName, cpFileOpenMode);  // Open the file cpFileName in mode cpFileOpenMode.

                                                        // Generic error handling
    if (fpFilePointer == NULL)                          // fopen will return NULL if it can not open the file.
        printf (cpErrorMessage);
        SendMessage (hHandle200, WM_SETTEXT, 200, (LPARAM)cpErrorMessage);               // Updates a CreateWindow("Static"... or CreateWindow("EDIT" textbox. If we replace argument 1 with hwnd, it will update the title bar.

        return -1;                                      // Error code for can not open the file.

        fputs (caText, fpFilePointer);
        return 0;
                                                        // Finishing the function
    fclose (fpFilePointer);                             // All files must be closed.

/**************** Scan for all the files in a directory *************************/
int iScanDir (char caDirectoryPath [4096], char *cpWriteMode)
                                                   // Local variables and initialization
    char *cpErrorText = "ERROR:\n Could not open the current directory.\n";
    char *cpFileNameInDirectory;                   // The file name scanned from the directory.
    char cpFileNamePathInDirectory [4096];         // The file name scanned from the directory with the path added. Must be an
                                                   // or the program will close unexpectedly and the compiler will give an
                                                   // maybe uninitialized error.
    char *cpFileNameToWriteTo = "FilesList.cfc";   // The file in which to write the list of file names from the directory.
    struct dirent *de;                             // Pointer for directory entry.

    AddDashToPath(caDirectoryPath, iInputFromUser);// The user input is in format C:\Path\File, for C it should be C:\\Path\\File
                                                   // or C:/Path/File.
    DIR *dr = opendir(caDirectoryPath);            // Example for opening program directory: DIR *dr = opendir(".");

    if (dr == NULL)                                // opendir returns NULL if couldn't open directory. NULL is not null.
        printf(cpErrorText);                       // C version.
        SendMessage (hHandle200, WM_SETTEXT, 200, (LPARAM)cpErrorText);// Updates a CreateWindow("Static"... or CreateWindow("EDIT" textbox. If we replace argument 1 with hwnd, it will update the title bar.
        return -2;                                 // Error code for can not open the directory.
    /************* !!!!!!!!! The file must be erased before the new directory is scanned. ************/
    iWriteToFile("", cpFileNameToWriteTo, "w");    // Erases the file by opening it in write mode an writing nothing.
                                                   // The file is closed in the function iWriteToFile.
                                                   // Refer http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7990989775/xsh/readdir.html
                                                   // for readdir()
    while ((de = readdir(dr)) != NULL)             // While the directory is readable.
        cpFileNameInDirectory = (de->d_name);      // Record the next scanned file name in cpFileNameInDirectory.

        strcpy (cpFileNamePathInDirectory, caDirectoryPath);// Add the path: empty character pointer, path.
        strcat (cpFileNamePathInDirectory, "/");// Add the directory path to the file name in the directory.
        strcat (cpFileNamePathInDirectory, cpFileNameInDirectory);// Add the directory path to the file name in the directory.
                                                    // Directory path already in, file name.
        strcat (cpFileNamePathInDirectory, "\n");   // Spearate all file names from the directory in rows.
        //strcat (cpFileNamePathInDirectory, '\0');   // Only for debugging.
        //printf("DEBUG %s\n", de->d_name);           // Print the name of the next file in the directory.
        iWriteToFile(cpFileNamePathInDirectory, cpFileNameToWriteTo, cpWriteMode);// Write the: file name scanned in the directory,
                                                                              // into cpFileNameToWriteTo, mode for writing is append.
        //SendMessage (hHandle200, WM_SETTEXT, 200, (LPARAM)de->d_name);
        //iPlaySound (de->d_name);

    return 0;

/****************** Add \ to the file path, making it \\ or / *************************/
int AddDashToPath (char *cpInputfilename, int iFileOrInput)// Adds / to the file path, making it / and usable in programs, instead of the \.

    unsigned int i = 0;                                  // Counter.
    char c;                                              // Used for character reading.
    FILE *ifp;                                           // pointer to type file.
    char *InMode = "r";                                  // Pointer to the mode for processing the file.

    if (iFileOrInput == 99)                              // We will replace the dash in an input from the user, not from a file.
        for (i = 0; cpInputfilename [i] != '\0'; i++)      // Until the end of the user input in *cpInputfilename.
              if (cpInputfilename [i] == '\\')             // If we find a single dash, replace it with /.
                    cpInputfilename [i] = '/';            // Instead of / we can use \\.

    else {                                              // We will replace the dash on a file path in a file, not a user input.
        ifp = fopen(cpInputfilename, InMode);

        if (ifp == NULL)
            return -1;

            for (i = 0; (c = fgetc(ifp)) != EOF; i++)
                if (c == '\\')
                    cpInputfilename [i] = '/';
   return 0;                                            // Code for all is ok.