Thread: Unknown problem with lists

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    May 2018

    Unknown problem with lists

    I currently have a problem with this code. The problem is that I don't know the problem. I've checked it over and over again and found nothing. Debugging only tells me that is is stuck on the 'while (run ==1)' line. I find no reason for that to be the case. The testing 'printf' I wrote right after that 'while' does not run. I'm beyond confused with this. I've already used some means to verify that the data inside the list is correct.
    I would appreciate if someone could help me, but please point me towards the right direction, don't outright give me the code as I'd rather not be accused of plagiarism.

    EDIT: I am the one idiot to rule them all. And probably blind too. Problem has been found. I hope.

    These are the data types I'm using:

    typedef struct
        float angle;
        int hemisferio;
    } geo_coord;
    typedef struct
        int dia;
        int mes;
        int ano;
    } data;
    typedef struct
        data dt;
        float temperatura;
        float incerteza;
        char pais[100];
        char cidade[100];
        geo_coord lat;
        geo_coord lon;
    } dados_temp;
    typedef struct
        int ind;
        float temperaturamed;
        float temperaturamax;
        float temperaturamin;
        char nome[100];
    } data_temp_a;
    typedef struct node
        dados_temp payload;
        struct node *next;
        struct node *prev;
    } node_t;
    void temp_a(node_t *_list, int mode, int anot)
        int n = 0, ttest = 1, s = 0, i = 0, it = 0, loop = 0, run = 1;
        char choice[100];
        char *test = NULL;
        printf("Por favor insira o número de dados que quer analisar (1 a 20): ");
        while (ttest == 1)
            fgets(choice, 100, stdin);
            choice[strlen(choice)-1] = '\0';
            ttest = ContainAlpha(choice);
            if (ttest == 0)
                n = atoi(choice);
            if (n < 1 || n > 20)
                printf("Erro. Número fora dos limites aceitáveis. ");
                ttest = 1;
        data_temp_a *store = NULL;
        store = (data_temp_a *)malloc(sizeof(data_temp_a));
        _list = rewindList(_list);
        while (run == 1);
            printf("Cycle %d\n", i);
            if (s == 0)
                if (_list->payload.dt.ano == anot)
                    store[0].ind = 1;
                    store[0].temperaturamax = _list->payload.temperatura;
                    store[0].temperaturamin = _list->payload.temperatura;
                    store[0].temperaturamed = _list->payload.temperatura;
                    if (mode == 0)
                        strcpy(store[0].nome, _list->payload.pais);
                        strcpy(store[0].nome, _list->payload.cidade);
                    s = 1;
                if (_list->payload.dt.ano == anot)
                    for (it = 0; it<i; it++)
                        if (mode == 0)
                            test = strstr(store[it].nome, _list->payload.pais);
                            test = strstr(store[it].nome, _list->payload.cidade);
                        if (test != NULL)
                            if (_list->payload.temperatura > store[it].temperaturamax)
                                store[it].temperaturamax = _list->payload.temperatura;
                            if (_list->payload.temperatura < store[it].temperaturamin)
                                store[it].temperaturamin = _list->payload.temperatura;
                            store[it].temperaturamed += _list->payload.temperatura;
                            store = (data_temp_a *)realloc(store, i*sizeof(data_temp_a));
                            store[i].ind = 1;
                            store[i].temperaturamax = _list->payload.temperatura;
                            store[i].temperaturamin = _list->payload.temperatura;
                            store[i].temperaturamed = _list->payload.temperatura;
                            if (mode == 0)
                                strcpy(store[i].nome, _list->payload.pais);
                                strcpy(store[i].nome, _list->payload.cidade);
                        test = NULL;
            if (_list->next != NULL)
                _list = _list->next;
                run = 0;
        for (it = 0; it<i; it++)
            store[it].temperaturamed = store[it].temperaturamed / (float)store[it].ind;
            store[it].temperaturamax = store[it].temperaturamax - store[it].temperaturamin;
        qsort(store, i, sizeof(data_temp_a), (compfn)comparisonext);
        printf("%d locais com temperaturas mais extremas:\n", n);
        for (it = 0; it < n; it++)
            printf("%s : %f\n", store[it].nome, store[it].temperaturamax);
        qsort(store, i, sizeof(data_temp_a), (compfn)comparisonmed);
        printf("%d locais com temperaturas mais altas:\n", n);
        for(it = 0; it < n; it++)
            printf("%s : %f\n", store[it].nome, store[it].temperaturamed);
        printf("%d locais com temperaturas mais baixas:\n", n);
        for(it = i-1; it > it-20; it++)
            printf("%s : %f\n", store[it].nome, store[it].temperaturamed);
        while (loop == 0)
    Last edited by PrimevalRev; 05-19-2018 at 03:09 PM.

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The edge of the known universe
    > while (run == 1);
    The ; at the end is a killer.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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