Hi, I've searched the internet and seen the answer to this, but none of these answers have worked for me. So I guess it is something wrong with my code.

The user are supposed to enter like host, name, date and so on. But when the host and name are entered it jumps to enter the time directly.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
	char host[20];
	printf("Who is this invitation from: "); 
	scanf("%s", host);
	char name[20];
	printf("Who is this invitation to: "); 
	scanf("%s", name);
	char date[20]; 
	printf("Date: "); 
    scanf("%[^\t\n]s", &date);
	short time, duration;
	printf("\nTime: "); 
	scanf("%hd", &time); 
	printf("\nDuration (h): ");
	scanf("%hd", &duration); 
	char destination[20]; 
	printf("Where: "); 
	scanf("%s", destination); 
	printf("\n\nHello %s", name); 
	printf("\n\nYou are invited to a party the %s at %hd in %s.", date, time, destination); 
	short lastsUntil = time + duration;

	printf("\nThe party lasts until %hd", lastsUntil);
	printf("\n\nSee you there!"); 
	printf("%s", host); 
	return 0;