Good morning, gentlemen and ladies.

I have written a small project in the C89 dialect of C. I am requesting a sizeable code review - in fact a review of the entire project - for anyone intrepid enough to examine my code.

The code is here: BASICloader/BASICloader.c at master * richardcavell/BASICloader * GitHub

It is 1400 lines of C, and it outputs BASIC source code.

My goals are:

* Coding to a professional standard
* Strict C89 standards compliance
* Correct use of the standard library (and no other library/API)
* Code correctness
* Detection and graceful handling of all possible errors

Specific issues for this project are:

* Wise choice of data types, to accommodate range requirements
* Detection of overflow and other arithmetic problems
* It should be easy to add other target architectures, and easy to see
where the additional code needs to go
* Someone might try to compile this with a compiler or machine that
was created before the C89 standard even existed.

I would be enormously grateful for anyone who could give me feedback. Thanks.
