Thread: HELP!! Have been working on this c program for a month.

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    HELP!! Have been working on this c program for a month.

    I'm at my wits end with this program. The program crashes before I can even use it.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "gng1106plplot.h" // gives definition to use the library PLplot
    #include <math.h>
    #include <float.h>
    #include "plplot.h"
    #define EPSILON 0.00000000001
    #define NUM 100   // Number of points
    #define N 100
    #define BINFILE « FileProjectGng.bin »
    // Structure
    typedef struct
        double roughness;
        double diameter;
        double density;
        double velocity;
        double viscosity;
        int state ;
    } INPUTS;
    // Prototypes of functions
    void findInterval(INPUTS pipe,double *, double *);
    int findRoot(INPUTS pipe, double, double, double *);
    void plotFunc(INPUTS pipe, double, double, int, double []);
    double func(INPUTS* pipe, double);
    void plot(int,  double[], double[], int, double[], double[]);
    double getMin(double *, int );
    double getMax(double *, int );
    void CreatFile(INPUTS allInputs[5]);
    void ShowFileContent();//INPUTS* allInputs[5],FILE* file
    int UserChoice(INPUTS* pipe,INPUTS allInputs[5]);
    int GetInput(INPUTS* pipe);
    void SaveInputs(INPUTS* allInputs, INPUTS* pipe, FILE* file);
     Fonction: main
     Description: This function is called to fins the values of the friction and draw the curve.
                  It also tests if the file is empty or full and fills it zith the vakues of the
    int main(void)
        // variable declaration
        double start, end;
        double root;
        int n;  // number of roots found
        // Déclarations des variables
        int choicefile;
        int choiceSave;
        INPUTS pipe;
        INPUTS allInputs[5] = {{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0}};
        FILE* file;
        file = fopen("BINFILE", "rb");
        if(file != NULL)
            //calling ShowFileContent
            ShowFileContent(allInputs[5], file);
            //calling choicefile
            choicefile = UserChoice(&pipe, &allInputs[5]);
            if (choicefile== 0) //The user doesn't want data from file
                choiceSave = GetInput(&pipe);//canal est rempli!
                if (choiceSave== 1)
                    SaveInputs(&allInputs[5], &pipe, file);
                //else, the user doesn't want to register these values
            //else, the file pipe is full
                pipe.roughness = allInputs[choicefile-1].roughness;
                pipe.diameter = allInputs[choicefile-1].diameter;
                pipe.density =  allInputs[choicefile-1].density;
                pipe.velocity = allInputs[choicefile-1].velocity;
                pipe.viscosity =allInputs[choicefile-1].viscosity;
                pipe.state =allInputs[choicefile-1].state;
            //Call to creat file
            choiceSave = GetInput(&pipe);//canal est remplie
                if (choiceSave == 1)
                    SaveInputs(&allInputs[5], &pipe, file);
                //else, the user doesn't want to register these data
            //else, the pipe is full
        // det interval from user
        findInterval(pipe,&start, &end);
        printf("Finding root for interval between %.4f and %.4f\n",
               start, end);
        if(findRoot(pipe,start, end, &root))
            printf("Found root at: %.8f (f(x) = %.8f)\n",root);//, func(root));
            n = 1;
             printf("Did not find root in interval.");
             n = 0;
        plotFunc(pipe, start, end, n, &root);
        return 0;
    Function: ShowFileContent
        allInputs- reference to an array of structures
        file - pointer to the file
    Description: prints the content of the file if the value of the state is different of 0
    void ShowFileContent(INPUTS *allInputs[5],FILE *file)
        file = fopen("BINFILE", "rb");
        if(file == NULL)
            fread(allInputs, sizeof(INPUTS), 5, file);//
            //To initialize the array of structures
            //Print the array
            if (allInputs[0]->state == 0)
                printf("pipe 1 available");
                printf("\npipe 1:\n%lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf\n",allInputs[0]->roughness,
                    allInputs[0]->diameter, allInputs[0]->density, allInputs[0]->velocity,allInputs[0]->viscosity,
            if (allInputs[1]->state == 0)
                printf("pipe 2 is available");
                printf("\npipe 2:\n%lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf\n",allInputs[1]->roughness,
                    allInputs[1]->diameter, allInputs[1]->density, allInputs[1]->velocity,allInputs[1]->viscosity,
            if (allInputs[2]->state == 0)
                printf("pipe 3 is available ");
                printf("\npipe 3:\n%lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf\n",allInputs[2]->roughness,
                    allInputs[2]->diameter, allInputs[2]->density, allInputs[2]->velocity,allInputs[2]->viscosity,
            if (allInputs[3]->state == 0)
                printf("pipe 4 available");
                printf("\npipe 4:\n%lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf\n",allInputs[3]->roughness,
                    allInputs[3]->diameter, allInputs[3]->density, allInputs[3]->velocity,allInputs[3]->viscosity,
            if (allInputs[4]->state== 0)
                printf("pipe 5 available");
                printf("\npipe 5:\n%lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf\n" ,allInputs[4]->roughness,
                    allInputs[4]->diameter,allInputs[4]->density,allInputs[4]->velocity, allInputs[4]->viscosity,
                    allInputs[4]->state );
    Function: UserChoice
        pipe- pointer to the structure INPUTS
        allInputs- reference to array of strucutres
        choice ; an integer variable that shows the choice of the user
    Description: Asks the user if he is satisfied zith the current values or if he wishes to change them
    int UserChoice(INPUTS* pipe,INPUTS allInputs[5])
        //declaring variables
        int choice;
        printf("Do you want to use the present data?\n"
               "if yes, enter the number of the canal of your choice."
               "otherwise, enter the number 0");
        scanf("%d", &choice);
            printf("The choice is invalid");
            printf("Do you want to chose the present data?\n"
               "if yes, enter the value of the chosed pipe"
               "if not, enter the number 0");
            scanf("%d", &choice);
        }while (choice <0 && choice >5);
    Function: GetInput
        pipe- pointer to structure
        choice -the choice of the user
    Description: gets input from the user and tests if the that values
    of roughness ,density and viscosity belong to the right interval.
    int GetInput(INPUTS* pipe)
        //declaring variables
        int choice;
        printf("you have chosen to enter your own values.\n");
        printf("enter the values of the roughness, diameter, density, velocity, viscosity:");
        scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &pipe->roughness, &pipe->diameter, &pipe->density, &pipe->velocity, &pipe->viscosity);
        pipe->state = 1;
         while (pipe->roughness <0.0001 || pipe->roughness>3.0 || pipe->density<0.5   || pipe->density>2000 ||  pipe->viscosity >300.0 || pipe->viscosity <0.000001)
            printf("The values of the rooughness,density and viscosity are invalid");
            printf("Enter other values of the roughness , density and viscosity:");
            scanf("%lf %lf %lf", pipe->roughness, pipe->density, pipe->viscosity);
        printf("Do you want to register these data? (1 for yes and 0 for no");
        scanf("%d", &choice);
    Function: SaveInputs
        allInputs- reference to an array of strucutres
        pipe - pointer to strucutre
        file- pointer to the file
    Description: fills the the values of the array with the elements
    of the structure and saves them
    void SaveInputs(INPUTS* allInputs, INPUTS* pipe, FILE* file)
        //declaring variables
        int newchoice = 6;
        file = fopen("BINFILE", "wb");
        if (file == NULL){
            if (allInputs[0].state == 0)
                allInputs[0].roughness = pipe->roughness;
                allInputs[0].density = pipe->density;
                allInputs[0].diameter = pipe->diameter;;
                allInputs[0].velocity = pipe->velocity;
                allInputs[0].viscosity = pipe->viscosity;
                allInputs[0].state = pipe->state;
            else if (allInputs[1].state == 0)
                allInputs[1].roughness = pipe->roughness;
                allInputs[1].density = pipe->density;
                allInputs[1].diameter = pipe->diameter;;
                allInputs[1].velocity = pipe->velocity;
                allInputs[1].viscosity = pipe->viscosity;
                allInputs[1].state = pipe->state;
            else if (allInputs[2].state == 0)
                allInputs[2].roughness = pipe->roughness;
                allInputs[2].density = pipe->density;
                allInputs[2].diameter = pipe->diameter;;
                allInputs[2].velocity = pipe->velocity;
                allInputs[2].viscosity = pipe->viscosity;
                allInputs[2].state = pipe->state;
            else if (allInputs[3].state == 0)
                allInputs[3].roughness = pipe->roughness;
                allInputs[3].density = pipe->density;
                allInputs[3].diameter = pipe->diameter;
                allInputs[3].velocity = pipe->velocity;
                allInputs[3].viscosity = pipe->viscosity;
                allInputs[3].state = pipe->state;
            else if (allInputs[4].state == 0)
                allInputs[4].roughness = pipe->roughness;
                allInputs[4].density = pipe->density;
                allInputs[4].diameter = pipe->diameter;;
                allInputs[4].velocity = pipe->velocity;
                allInputs[4].viscosity = pipe->viscosity;
                allInputs[4].state = pipe->state;
                printf("The file is full, chose a set of data from 1 to 5 to erase to replace ");
                scanf("%d", &newchoice);
                allInputs[newchoice - 1].roughness = pipe->roughness;
                allInputs[newchoice - 1].density = pipe->density;
                allInputs[newchoice - 1].diameter = pipe->diameter;
                allInputs[newchoice - 1].velocity = pipe->velocity;
                allInputs[newchoice - 1].viscosity = pipe->viscosity;
                allInputs[newchoice- 1].state = 1;
        //find a way to write everything in the array
        fwrite(allInputs, sizeof(INPUTS), 5, file);
    Function: CreatFile
        allInputs - reference to the array of structures
    Description: creats a file and opens it in writing binary mode
    void CreatFile(INPUTS allInputs[5])
        FILE* file;
        file= fopen("BINFILE", "wb");
        fwrite(allInputs, sizeof(INPUTS), 5, file);
    Function: getMax
        array - reference to an array with double values
        n - number of elements in the array
        max:  the maximum value found in the array
    Description: Traverses the array to find its maximum value.
    int findRoot(INPUTS pipe, double lower, double upper, double *root)
      int retVal=0;
      double coe;
      double mid;
      double gf_mid,check;
      while(retVal == 0)
         if (func(&pipe, mid)*func(&pipe, lower)<0)
         // mid=(lower+upper)/2;
         if (func(&pipe,mid)*func(&pipe,lower)>0)
          // mid=(lower+upper)/2;
         check = fabs(func(&pipe, upper)*func(&pipe, lower));
         if (check<EPSILON)
                printf("the root has been found\n");
    Function: func
        x - x value function f(x)
    Returns: value y of function f(x)
    Description: Plots the value of the function:
    f(x) = 50 - x^2 |cos(sqrt(x)| , x must be positive, if x
                             negative return 0.
    double func(INPUTS *pipe, double x)
        double gf,f;
        double Re;
        Re= ((pipe->density)*(pipe->velocity)*(pipe->diameter))/pipe->viscosity;
        gf = (1/sqrt(f)) +2.0*(log((pipe->roughness/(3.7*pipe->diameter))))+(2.51/(Re*sqrt(f)));
    Function: findInterval
        begin, end: pointers to double variables for storing selected
                    begin and end values of x for the desired interval
    Description: Repeatedly plot the graph of the function for the
                 intervals given by the user until the user
                 has made a selection of the interval for root
    void findInterval(INPUTS pipe,double *begin, double *end)
        //Variables declarations
        char answer;  // sentinal
            printf("Please give start and end values for plotting: ");
            scanf("%lf %lf",begin,end);
            plotFunc(pipe,*begin, *end, 0, NULL);
            printf("Are you happy with this interval: ");
        while(answer != 'y');
    Function: plotFunc
         begin, end:  beginning and end of interval (x values) to plot
         flag - set to TRUE when root was found and needs to be plotted
         root - value of root when flag is TRUE.
    Description: Plot the function on the
                 interval between begin and end.  Plots an x at the roots
                 if nRoots > 0.
    void plotFunc(INPUTS pipe,double begin, double end, int nRoots, double roots[])
        double x[N];
        double y[N];
        double inc; // increment for incrementing x
        double yRoots[nRoots];
        int ix;
        // Calculate function points
        inc = (end - begin)/N;
        x[0] = begin;
        //y[0] = func(&pipe, &x[0]); // Compute first point
        for(ix = 1; ix < N; ix = ix + 1)
            x[ix] = x[ix -1] + inc;
            y[ix] = func( &pipe,x[ix]);
        // Calculate y points at the root
        for(ix = 0; ix < nRoots; ix = ix +1)
            yRoots[ix] = func(&pipe, roots[ix]);
        // Plot
        plot(N, x, y, nRoots, roots, yRoots);
     Function: plot()
        n: number of points in the arrays
        xPtr: pointer to x values (horizontal axis).
        yPtr: pointer to y values (vertical axis).
     Return value: none.
     Description: Initialises the plot.  The following values
                  in the referenced structure are used to setup
                  the plot:
                     x[0], x[n-1] - assume that x values are sequential
                     miny, maxy - vertical axis range (add 10% to min/max value)
                  Sets up white background and black forground
                  Then plots the curve accessed using xPtr and yPtr.
    void plot(int n, double *xPtr, double *yPtr, int nRoots, double *xRoots, double *yRoots)
        double miny, maxy;
        double range;  // range of vertical axix
            // Setup plot configuration
        plsdev("wingcc");  // Sets device to wingcc - CodeBlocks compiler
        // Initialise the plot
        // Configure the axis and labels
        plwidth(3);          // select the width of the pen
        // Find range for axis
        miny = getMin(yPtr, n);
        maxy = getMax(yPtr, n);
        range = maxy - miny;  // the width of the range
        maxy = maxy + 0.1*range;
        miny = miny - 0.1*range;
        plenv0(xPtr[0], xPtr[n-1], miny, maxy,
              0, 1);
        plcol0(GREEN);           // Select color for labels
        pllab("x", "f(x)", "Function");
        // Plot the velocity.
        plcol0(BLUE);    // Color for plotting curve
        plline(n, xPtr, yPtr);
        // Plot the points
        if(nRoots > 0)
            plpoin(nRoots,xRoots, yRoots, 'x');
    Function: getMin
        array - reference to an array with double values
        n - number of elements in the array
        min:  the minimum value found in the array
    Description: Traverses the array to find its minimum value.
    double getMin(double *array, int n)
        int ix;
        double min = array[0];
        for(ix = 1; ix < n; ix = ix +1){
            if(min > array[ix])
                min = array[ix];
    Function: getMax
        array - reference to an array with double values
        n - number of elements in the array
        max:  the maximum value found in the array
    Description: Traverses the array to find its maximum value.
    double getMax(double *array, int n)
        int ix;
        double max = array[0];
        for(ix = 1; ix < n; ix = ix +1)
            if(max < array[ix]) max = array[ix];

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I commented out the two headers that you did NOT post.

    Here is the warning and errors I got.

    I find this define to be a likely bad code why are these "«" and "»" in it.
    #define BINFILE « FileProjectGng.bin »
    Tim S.

    mingw32-gcc.exe -Wall -g -Wno-unused-local-typedefs  -c C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c -o obj\Debug\main.o
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c: In function 'main':
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:109:16: warning: format '%f' expects a matching 'double' argument [-Wformat=]
             printf("Found root at: %.8f (f(x) = %.8f)\n",root);//, func(root));
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c: In function 'ShowFileContent':
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:157:20: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args]
                 printf("\npipe 1:\n%lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf\n",allInputs[0]->roughness,
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:168:20: warning: too many arguments for format [-Wformat-extra-args]
                 printf("\npipe 2:\n%lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf\n",allInputs[1]->roughness,
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:178:20: warning: format '%lf' expects argument of type 'double', but argument 7 has type 'int' [-Wformat=]
                 printf("\npipe 3:\n%lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf\n",allInputs[2]->roughness,
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:188:20: warning: format '%lf' expects argument of type 'double', but argument 7 has type 'int' [-Wformat=]
                 printf("\npipe 4:\n%lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf\n",allInputs[3]->roughness,
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:197:20: warning: format '%lf' expects argument of type 'double', but argument 7 has type 'int' [-Wformat=]
                 printf("\npipe 5:\n%lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf, %lf\n" ,allInputs[4]->roughness,
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c: In function 'GetInput':
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:271:15: warning: format '%lf' expects argument of type 'double *', but argument 2 has type 'double' [-Wformat=]
             scanf("%lf %lf %lf", pipe->roughness, pipe->density, pipe->viscosity);
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:271:15: warning: format '%lf' expects argument of type 'double *', but argument 3 has type 'double' [-Wformat=]
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:271:15: warning: format '%lf' expects argument of type 'double *', but argument 4 has type 'double' [-Wformat=]
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c: In function 'findRoot':
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:439:10: warning: unused variable 'gf_mid' [-Wunused-variable]
       double gf_mid,check;
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:437:10: warning: unused variable 'coe' [-Wunused-variable]
       double coe;
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c: In function 'plot':
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:575:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'plsdev' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
         plsdev("wingcc");  // Sets device to wingcc - CodeBlocks compiler
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:577:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'plinit' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:579:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'plwidth' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
         plwidth(3);          // select the width of the pen
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:586:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'plenv0' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
         plenv0(xPtr[0], xPtr[n-1], miny, maxy,
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:588:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'plcol0' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
         plcol0(GREEN);           // Select color for labels
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:588:12: error: 'GREEN' undeclared (first use in this function)
         plcol0(GREEN);           // Select color for labels
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:588:12: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:589:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'pllab' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
         pllab("x", "f(x)", "Function");
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:591:12: error: 'BLUE' undeclared (first use in this function)
         plcol0(BLUE);    // Color for plotting curve
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:592:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'plline' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
         plline(n, xPtr, yPtr);
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:596:16: error: 'RED' undeclared (first use in this function)
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:597:9: warning: implicit declaration of function 'plpoin' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
             plpoin(nRoots,xRoots, yRoots, 'x');
    C:\SourceCode\Test\testweb\main.c:599:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'plend' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
    "...a computer is a stupid machine with the ability to do incredibly smart things, while computer programmers are smart people with the ability to do incredibly stupid things. They are,in short, a perfect match.." Bill Bryson

  3. #3
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The edge of the known universe
            ShowFileContent(allInputs[5], file);
            //calling choicefile
            choicefile = UserChoice(&pipe, &allInputs[5]);
            if (choicefile== 0) //The user doesn't want data from file
                choiceSave = GetInput(&pipe);//canal est rempli!
                if (choiceSave== 1)
                    SaveInputs(&allInputs[5], &pipe, file);
                //else, the user doesn't want to register these values
            //else, the file pipe is full
                pipe.roughness = allInputs[choicefile-1].roughness;
                pipe.diameter = allInputs[choicefile-1].diameter;
                pipe.density =  allInputs[choicefile-1].density;
                pipe.velocity = allInputs[choicefile-1].velocity;
                pipe.viscosity =allInputs[choicefile-1].viscosity;
                pipe.state =allInputs[choicefile-1].state;
    You seem to have a complete mental block on how arrays are passed into functions.

    &allInputs[5] and allInputs[5] are out of bound references.

    Try something like
            ShowFileContent(allInputs, file);
            //calling choicefile
            choicefile = UserChoice(&pipe, allInputs);
            if (choicefile== 0) //The user doesn't want data from file
                choiceSave = GetInput(&pipe);//canal est rempli!
                if (choiceSave== 1)
                    SaveInputs(allInputs, &pipe, file);
                //else, the user doesn't want to register these values
            //else, the file pipe is full
                pipe = allInputs[choicefile-1]; // yes, you can copy a whole struct using =
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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