Hi everybody,
I'm new to C and I'm trying to find out every function with Help, but this time it was of no use. So I just need a tip or something like this for this three questions !!!

I'm using in my programm the <string.h>, <stdio.h> header files and if possible I want to stay with those header files.

The %s input is taken with gets for two strings.

and now to my problems:

1. How can I count characters (also considering lowercase and uppercase [islower ?? isupper ??])
i.g.: Input String 1: Ive got a fast car
Input String 2: Its a Ferrari

Character to search: a

First String: 3 times found
Second String: 2 times found

2. How can I count the words in the String ?
i.g.: Same strings as above
1st String: 5 Words
2nd String: 3 Words

3. How can I search for a specific word in a String ? (there is a command for searching only one specific char in the begining and in the end of the string (as seen on the Help Examples) , but I couldn't find one which is for searching Words !!)
i.g.: Same strings as above

Phrase to Search: Ferrari

First String: Not Found
Second String: Found

4. As some DOS users may remember there was a 'pause' command which could be used in BAT files is there a opposite command for C/C++ ???

with my best regards