The work is to build a simple tetris game that has 2 parts, every part in different C file( ex21.c and ex22.c ).
The game need to be running on terminal in linux by the command "./a.out"

The instructions:
The first part(ex21.c)-
Tetris(keyboard listener)-
write a program that create a son process (fork), the son process will run "draw.out" (the result of command "gcc -o draw.out ex22.c" - the other c file).
the program need to listen to every char the user click.
If the user click on one of the chars - q , w , a , s , d. the program need to write to pipe (to the other process) this char and send a signal to the son process(the signal must be SIGUSR2).
on "q" click the program need to stop properly.

write a program that print a 20X20 board (the border should be with the char "*"), and the game piece that fall should be implement by 3 "-".
the program need to down the piece one line every second.
when the program get a SIGUSR2 signal the program need to read from the pipe the char and to act proper.
for the char "a" - move the piece left.
for the char "d" -move the piece right.
for the char "s" - move the piece down.
for the char "w" - rotate the piece (if possible- if there is not match the border or other piece.)
for the char "q" -end the program.

notes -
1. the rotate of the piece need to be by the middle of the piece.
2.when the user move the piece right and left the piece still down after 1 second.
3.before every print of the board use the function system("clear") or any other to clear the last view. may use the function "signal" or "sigaction".

I started the view part so i got the basic of ex22.c file if you need it or want to see the way of thinking.
I got 2 executable files that show how the game should be look like( i dont got the code itself only a.out and draw.out, a.out is the output of the listener and draw.out is the output of the view, running a.out will call to draw.out).
I dont see it as a big project for someone who understand how to use pipes, signals, alarms and threading. so the price is not much, but you may offer also.

I attached the files i got until now for you to take a look and use it in case you need.