Thread: do while loop error

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    do while loop error

    Hi I am a beginner and have an assignment due. I feel really stupid about saying this but i studied and did the code in c++ not c.
    While trying to redo everything in c i have an error on a do while loop and i don't understand i've corrected everything else but i don't understand why the error occurs even though it says how to fix it

    it says error expected ) before token -line 18

    part of code
    int main(){
        Beep    (523,1000);             // sound at 523 hertz  for  1 000 milliseconds
        char cPresent;
                                    printf("\nPresent recieved: ");
                                    printf("Do you wish to open file (y[es] or n[o])?\n\n"); //prompt
                                    scanf ("%c"; &cPresent);
        if          (cPresent=='y' || cPresent=='Y')
                        printf("..(\ (\.\n"
                               ".((^)(^).\n");          //bunny
                        printf("I apologize in advance for my dry sense of humour\n\n");
        else if        (cPresent=='n' || cPresent=='N')
                        printf( "[ERROR] THIS IS NOT A [BRIBE]\n\n");
        else if     (cPresent!='n' ||cPresent!='y'|| cPresent<=0 ||cPresent>=0)
                        printf("[ERROR] Please enter y for yes and n for no\n\n");
                }   while (cPresent=='n'||cPresent=='N');
    any help would be appreciated- this is just extra bits i've added on to the assignment but I've worked on the c++ code for a week now i have less than a day to redo it

  2. #2
    Registered User camel-man's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Under the moon
    Look at line 18, Something shouldn't be there
    int get_random_number(void)
       return 4; //chosen by fair dice roll.
                 //guaranteed to be random

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Long Beach, CA
    You don't use a ; (semicolon) to separate parameters in a function call.

    Your formatting/indentation is atrocious. Please post properly formatted/indented code in the future.

    Also, please make sure you provide code with the proper header files already included so we don't have to guess.

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