OK, so the 2nd is correct?

This is the code:

datebook is a struct that has year, month, day, hour and minutes of the booking
in patientAux I save the patient I'm looking to eliminate
void copyBookings(tClinic* clinic){
    int id;
    char DNI[MDNI];
    tdate datebook;
    tBook* bookAux;
    tPatient* patientAux;
    tLista* Lista;
    FILE* fbooks;

    fbooks = fopen(TURNOSFILE, "wb+");

    while(fread(&id, sizeof(int), 1, fbooks)){
        bookAux = initializebook();

        fread(DNI, sizeof(char)*MDNI, 1, fbooks);
        fread(&datebook.yyyy, sizeof(int), 1, fbooks);
        fread(&datebook.mm, sizeof(int), 1, fbooks);
        fread(&datebook.dd, sizeof(int), 1, fbooks);
        fread(&datebook.hora, sizeof(int), 1, fbooks);
        fread(&datebook.min, sizeof(int), 1, fbooks);

        patientAux = searchByID(clinic, DNI);
        Lista = searchSpecByID(clinic, id);

        bookAux->patient->name = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(patientAux->name) + 1));

        strcpy(bookAux->patient->dni, patientAux->dni);
        bookAux->patient->sexo = patientAux->sexo;
        strcpy(bookAux->patient->name, patientAux->name);
        bookAux->date.yyyy = datebook.yyyy;
        bookAux->date.mm = datebook.mm;
        bookAux->date.dd = datebook.dd;
        bookAux->date.hora = datebook.hora;
        bookAux->date.min = datebook.min;

        addToList(Lista, bookAux);
        printbooking(bookAux, id);
