Hi, I'm a beginner at programming and I'm not sure how to read in information from a text file. What I want to do is take a text file which contains around 20 rows and 3 columns of numbers, and put these into an array which can then be used for performing calculations. How do I do this? Would I need to declare the size of the array beforehand? When accessing my file, do I include the full address?

Thanks in advance for your help.

The relevant part is lines 29-33:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

/* this is a simpllified code using BEM equations */

int i;                          // counter for referring to rows of array
int Nb = 3;                     // number of blades
float pi=3.141592654;           // pi
float R=1;                      // radius of turbine (m)
float tsr=7;                    // tip speed ratio
float dimRi=0.5;                // dimensionless radius along the blade
float rho=1.225;                // density of air (kg/m^3)
float U=10;                     // free stream velocity of wind (m/s)
float maxchord=0.25;            // maximum allowed chord length (m)
float aguess = 0;               // initial guess for axial induction factor
float aprimeguess = 0;          // initial guess for tangential induction factor
float diff1 = 1;                // variable showing difference between axial induction factor and current guess
float diff2 = 1;                // variable showing difference between tangential induction factor and current guess
float delta_r = 0.01;           // this is the width of one blade element (m)
float opt_deltaQ = 0;            // optimum values of deltaQ
float alpha_deg, alpha_rad, Cl, Cd, Vr, chord, idealchord, phi, beta_rad, beta_deg, PTLfactor, a, aprime, solidity, deltaQ, omega, opt_alpharad, opt_phi, opt_chord;

float array[19][3];     // this declares an array

fp=fopen("c:\\flat plate test.txt", "r" );

/*for ( i = 0; i < 19; i++ )      // this inputs flat plate approximations for lift and drag into the array
    array[i][0] = 5*i;    //alpha
    array[i][1] = 2*sin(5*i*pi/180)*cos(5*i*pi/180);  //Cl
    array[i][2] = 2*sin(5*i*pi/180)*sin(5*i*pi/180);  //Cd
for (i=0; i<19; i++ )               // this runs through each set of values for alpha, Cl and Cd

    alpha_deg = array[i][0];        // angle of attack, alpha, in degrees
    alpha_rad=alpha_deg*pi/180;     // angle of attack, alpha, in radians
    Cl = array[i][1];               // coefficient of lift
    Cd = array[i][2];               // coefficient of drag

    while(diff1 > 0.0001 || diff2 >0.0001)                          // this runs the loop until the values for a and aprime have converged
        omega=tsr*U*(1-aguess)/R;                                   // angular velocity of blade (rad/s)
        phi = atan((U*(1-aguess))/(omega*dimRi*R*(1+aprimeguess))); // incoming flow angle (rad)
        Vr = (U*(1-aguess))/sin(phi);                               // resultant wind velocity (m/s)
        idealchord = (16*pi*U)/(9*Nb*Cl*tsr*dimRi*Vr);              // optimum chord length (m/s)
        if(idealchord < maxchord) chord = idealchord;               // this limits the chord length if it exceeds the maximum
        else chord = maxchord;                                      // allowed length defined by the variable maxchord
        solidity = chord*Nb/(2*pi*dimRi*R);                         // solidity is ratio of blade area to swept area
        PTLfactor = (2/pi)*acos(exp((Nb*(dimRi - 1))/(2*dimRi*sin(phi))));                        // Prandtl tip loss corrector factor
        a = 1/((4*PTLfactor*sin(phi)*sin(phi))/(solidity*(Cl*cos(phi) + Cd*sin(phi))) + 1);       // axial induction factor
        aprime = 1/((4*PTLfactor*sin(phi)*cos(phi))/(solidity*(Cl*sin(phi) - Cd*cos(phi))) - 1);  // tangential induction factor
        diff1 = fabs(aguess -a);                                                                  // returns absolute difference between aguess and a
        diff2 = fabs(aprimeguess - aprime);                                                       // returns absolute difference between aprimeguess and aprime
        /*printf("ag= %1.4f a= %1.4f apg= %1.4f ap= %1.4f Vr= %3.3f ch= %1.3f phi= %1.4f \n", aguess, a, aprimeguess, aprime, Vr, chord, phi); */ //prints variables
        aguess = a;             // redefines aguess for next iteration
        aprimeguess =aprime;    // redefines aprimeguess for next iteration

    deltaQ = 0.5*rho*U*(1-a)*omega*dimRi*dimRi*R*R*(1+aprime)*Nb*(Cl*sin(phi)-Cd*cos(phi))*chord*delta_r/(sin(phi)*cos(phi)); // torque produced by element

    if(deltaQ > opt_deltaQ)     // this loop records the current variable values if they produce a higher deltaQ than any previous angle of attack
        opt_deltaQ = deltaQ;
        opt_alpharad = alpha_rad;
        opt_phi = phi;
        opt_chord = chord;

    beta_rad= opt_phi - opt_alpharad;    // setting angle beta, in radians
    beta_deg= beta_rad*180/pi;    // setting angle beta, in degrees

    printf("\n\noptimum deltaQ = %3.2f for beta = %2.2f deg, alpha = %2.1f deg, \nchord = %1.2f m at R = %1.1f m \n", opt_deltaQ, beta_deg, opt_alpharad*180/pi, opt_chord, dimRi*R);