Thread: returning value from one threaded function to other threaded function

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    returning value from one threaded function to other threaded function

    Hello Guys,

    I am using two threads and i want to take value of a function from one thread and use it in other.

    I am not good at the concepts of threads.

    Here is the following code:

    void ThreadA(void const *argument)
        uint32_t status = I2S002_FAIL;
        status = I2S002_Config(&I2S002_Handle0, &I2SConfig_U0C1_A);
        if (status != DAVEApp_SUCCESS)
            while (1);
        while (1) {
            status = I2S002_RegisterTxPPBuf(&I2S002_Handle0, (uint32_t*) TXBuf,PLen);
    void ThreadB(void const *argument)
     FILE *ptr;
     uint16_t result, block_size;
     uint16_t num_blocks;
     status_t status1 ;
     status_t Status ;
     block_size = sizeof(temp_buffer);
     num_blocks = sizeof(char);
     Status =  mount(0, &myfsObject);
     if(Status != DAVEApp_SUCCESS)
     ptr = fopen("test.raw", "r+");
     fseek(ptr, 0, SEEK_SET);
     result = fread(&temp_buffer, num_blocks, block_size, ptr);
     if(result == 0)
     status1 = fclose(ptr);
    int main(void)
     ThreadId = osThreadCreate(osThread(ThreadB),NULL);
    ThreadC_id = osThreadCreate(osThread(ThreadA), NULL); 
    So, i want to use the return value of temp_buffer from ThreadB into Thread C and want to put this value to TXBuf in ThreadA...

    any help would be highly appreciated

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    You could use a mutex as a status ready indicator, or if you want to be able to queue up statuses, then perhaps mutexes (for temporary ownership during queue updates), semaphores (for count of elements on a queue), and some type of queueing method (circular buffer or linked list).

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