Thread: Selection Sort

  1. #31
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andersonsacanno View Post
    fwrite sucks < fprintf rocks
    Not that I need to defend fwrite here, but you seem to misunderstand that fwrite and fprintf do two completely different things. fwrite writes the contents of a buffer in memory directly to a file stream, byte for byte. fprintf formats the output as text. Their uses don't overlap much. Generally speaking, fwrite is used for writing to a binary file, and fprintf is used for writing to a text file.

  2. #32
    Registered User Andersonsacanno's Avatar
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    Thank you.

    Next up: Reading numbers from file

  3. #33
    Registered User Andersonsacanno's Avatar
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    My friend and I have been able to read the numbers from the file, change them from ascii (char) into ints, then sort them using the same functions I used my original sort and fprintf to a file. I know this code isn't perfect or pretty, but it does take numbers from a file, sort, and then print them to a file.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    void append(char* s, char c)
            int len = strlen(s);
            s[len] = c;
            s[len+1] = '\0';
    void swap (int *a, int *b) 
    int temp;
    temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;
    int sort(int a[], int x)
    int i, j;
     for (i = -1; i < x-1; i++)
      for(j=i; j >= 0; j--)
            printf(" if %d > %d \n",a[j], a[j+1]);
       if (a[j] > a[j+1])
            printf("\n\nthen swap them\n");
       swap(&a[j], &a[j+1]);
    int main()
        int a;
        int i = 0;
        int x = 100;
        int p = 100;
        int j = 0;
        int q = 100;
        int y = 14;
        int g = 0;
        int numbers[p];
       // memset(numbers, 0, sizeof(int), 100);
        int inner;
        int outer;
        char buffer[x];
        char array[p][q];
      // memset(array, 0, sizeof(array));
      for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
          numbers[i] = 0;
      FILE *f;
      if (f = fopen("C:\\users\\hello\\desktop\\test.txt", "rt"))
        fread(buffer, 1,  x, f);
        printf("\n%s", buffer);
     for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
         if (buffer[i] >= 48 && buffer[i] <= 56)
         append(array[j], buffer[i]);
         else if (buffer[i] == 44)
       for (i =0; i < 10; i++)
             printf("\n Spot %d: \n %s \n\n", i, array[i]);
       for(outer = 0; outer < 10; outer++)
    for(inner = 0; inner < 10; inner++)
           int digit = 1;
          if (array[outer][inner] == 48)
                 digit = 0;       } 
          else if (array[outer][inner] == 49)
                 digit = 1;       } 
          else if (array[outer][inner] == 50)
                 digit = 2;       } 
          else if (array[outer][inner] == 51)
                 digit = 3;       } 
          else if (array[outer][inner] == 52)
                 digit = 4;       } 
          else if (array[outer][inner] == 53)
                 digit = 5;       } 
          else if (array[outer][inner] == 54)
                 digit = 6;       }
          else if (array[outer][inner] == 55)
                 digit = 7;       } 
          else if (array[outer][inner] == 56)
                 digit = 8;       } 
          else if (array[outer][inner] == 57)
                 digit = 9;       } 
          printf("\n\nThe current digit is %d, and the current value in numbers[outer] is %d",digit, numbers[outer]);
           numbers[outer] = numbers[outer]*10 + digit;
                 printf("\nin number %d, in digit %d, i found value %d",outer,inner, digit);
         printf("the final integer is %d\n", numbers[outer]);
    sort(numbers, length);
    printf("Final array is : \n");
    for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    printf(" %d, ",numbers[i]);
    FILE *fp;
    fp=fopen("c:\\users\\hello\\desktop\\test1.txt", "w");
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){
    fprintf (fp, "%d, ", numbers[i]);
      return 0;

  4. #34
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    You know that C has functions that do that for you, right?

    strtoi, strtol, strtod, etc.

    I'm curious why not convert the strings to numbers with fscanf() using a "%d" format specifier? Stick the numbers right in an array, sort it, and write it out.

  5. #35
    Algorithm Dissector iMalc's Avatar
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    New Zealand
    Lines 101 to 136 should be written as:
    int digit;
    if (isdigit(array[outer][inner]))
        digit = array[outer][inner] - '0';
    Copy and paste coding is evil. It would be very good for you to force yourself not to do it the braindead copy and paste way, but to instead look for, or think about the simple concise way.
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  6. #36
    Registered User Andersonsacanno's Avatar
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    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    void append(char* start, char temp)
     int len = strlen(start);
     start[len] = temp;
     start[len+1] = '\0';
    int main()
     int emptyIterator = 0;
     int arrayIterator = 0;
     int numberSize = 10;
     int fileSize;
     int x = 100;
     int numbers[x];
     // memset(numbers, 0, sizeof(int), 100);
     int inner;
     int outer;
     int worstArraysize;
     char arrayMalloc;
     char *buffer;
     int *array;
     int bufferSize;
     // memset(array, 0, sizeof(array));
     FILE *filePointer;
     for (emptyIterator = 0; emptyIterator < 100; emptyIterator++)
      numbers[emptyIterator] = 0;
     filePointer = fopen("C:\\users\\hello\\desktop\\test.txt", "rt");
     fseek(filePointer, 0, SEEK_END);
     fileSize = ftell(filePointer);
     bufferSize = sizeof(char) * (fileSize + 1);
     buffer = malloc(bufferSize);
     memset(buffer, '\0', bufferSize);
     printf("\n%d filesize\n", fileSize);
     printf("\n%d buffersize\n", bufferSize);
     fread(buffer, 1, fileSize, filePointer);
     worstArraysize = sizeof(char) * ((fileSize / 2) + 1 ); 
     array = malloc(worstArraysize);
     memset(array, '\0', worstArraysize);
     for(emptyIterator = 0; emptyIterator <= worstArraysize; emptyIterator++)
      void * temp;
      temp = malloc(sizeof(char) * (numberSize));
      array[emptyIterator] = (int)temp;
      memset((char *) array[emptyIterator], '\0', numberSize);
      ((char *)array[emptyIterator])[0] = 's';
      printf("\ntemp is : %x array location %x  string num%d ram location %x:       %d\n", temp, &array[emptyIterator], emptyIterator, array[emptyIterator], (((char*)array[emptyIterator])[0]));
     printf("Time to double check out work\n\n");
     for(emptyIterator = 0; emptyIterator <= worstArraysize; emptyIterator++)
      printf("poisition %d , array ram : %x , string location %x, first char %c\n", emptyIterator, &array[emptyIterator], array[emptyIterator], *((char *)array[emptyIterator]));
     return 0;
    Needless to say the code has gotten pretty crazy.

    Here is output
    poisition 0 , array ram : 660f88 , string location 660fa0, first char 0poisition 1 , array ram : 660f8c , string location 660fb8, first char Ąpoisition 2 , array ram : 660f90 , string location 660fd0, first char spoisition 3 , array ram : 660f94 , string location 660fe8, first char spoisition 4 , array ram : 660f98 , string location 661000, first char spoisition 5 , array ram : 660f9c , string location 661018, first char spoisition 6 , array ram : 660fa0 , string location 661030, first char spoisition 7 , array ram : 660fa4 , string location 661048, first char spoisition 8 , array ram : 660fa8 , string location 661060, first char spoisition 9 , array ram : 660fac , string location 661078, first char spoisition 10 , array ram : 660fb0 , string location 661090, first char spoisition 11 , array ram : 660fb4 , string location 6610a8, first char spoisition 12 , array ram : 660fb8 , string location 6610c0, first char spoisition 13 , array ram : 660fbc , string location 6610d8, first char spoisition 14 , array ram : 660fc0 , string location 6610f0, first char spoisition 15 , array ram : 660fc4 , string location 661108, first char spoisition 16 , array ram : 660fc8 , string location 661120, first char s
    This is still a major work in progress, I know a LOT has to be done to it still. But what I am mostly concerned with now is why the two loops are overlapping. I like all the different pointers and see this technique as being useful (don't want to hear how it isn't, i'm going through this with someone else)...I just want to know what the problem is here for why they are overlapping ram locations.
    Last edited by Andersonsacanno; 11-27-2012 at 06:58 PM.

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