Hi all,

My program seems to be giving me an error in the form of a segmentation fault...

Please see my code below with a comment show the point where program execution fails.

Please advise!

// Pre-processor Directives

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define NBARGS      2
#define FIFO_FILE   "MYFIFO"
#define MESSAGESIZE 80

// Sub Function Prototypes

void argumentValidater( int );
char * concatenator( int, char** );

// Main Function Implementation

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    argumentValidater( argc );
    char *userString;
    FILE *fp;

    if( ( fp = fopen( FIFO_FILE, "a" ) ) == NULL ) 
        perror( "fopen" );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    userString = concatenator( argc, argv );
    printf( "\nUSERSTRING: %s", userString );fflush( stdout );

    fputs( userString, fp );
    fclose( fp );

// Sub Function Implementation

void argumentValidater( int argCount )
    if( argCount < NBARGS )
        printf( "\nYou must enter a number followed by your string of text!  EXITING...\n" );fflush( stdout );


char * concatenator( int argCount, char *argVector[] )
    int i = 1;
    char *str;
    while( i < ( argCount + 1 ) )
        char *tmpStr;
        tmpStr = argVector[i];
        strcat( str, tmpStr );  /* Problem is here... */
        strcat( str, " " );
    strcat( str, "\n" );
    return str;
