Thread: determining the size of a nested struct with allocated variables

  1. #1
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    determining the size of a nested struct with allocated variables

    This code is from LearnCtheHardWay Chapter 18 Exercise 17: Heap And Stack Memory Allocation. (18 Exercise 17: Heap And Stack Memory Allocation)

    In the Extra credit section, it asks you to input Maxdata and Maxrow and not use a static number. Here is the code:

    *        Lession 9        *      
     * Extra Credit
     * ============
    #include <stdio.h>  /* used for printf, and FILE struct */
    #include <assert.h> /* used for debuging */
    #include <stdlib.h> /* malloc and free are defined here */
    #include <string.h> /* string includes strdup, duplicates a string */
    #include <errno.h>  /* error header */
    #define MAX_DATA 512
    #define MAX_ROWS 100
    struct Address {
    	int id;
    	int set;
    	char *name;
    	char *email;
     * struct rows is actually allocated on the stack.
    struct Database {
    	long MaxRows;
    	long MaxData;
    	struct Address *rows;
     * FILE object are usually created by fopen or tmpfile which both return a reference to 
     * these objects. both of these functions allocate memory, so use fclose to free the resources
    struct Connection {
    	FILE *file;
    	struct Database *db;
    long Database_size(struct Connection *conn)
    	//calculate the size of the file
    	long t_dbSize = sizeof(struct Database);
    	t_dbSize += sizeof(struct Address) * conn->db->MaxRows;
    	t_dbSize += (sizeof(char) * conn->db->MaxData * 2) * conn->db->MaxRows;
    	return t_dbSize;
    void Database_close(struct Connection *conn)
    	int t_i = 0;
    	if(conn) {
    		if(conn->file) fclose(conn->file);
    		if(conn->db->rows) {
    			for(t_i = 0; t_i < conn->db->MaxRows ; t_i++) {
    				if(conn->db->rows[t_i].name) free(conn->db->rows[t_i].name);	
    				if(conn->db->rows[t_i].email) free(conn->db->rows[t_i].email);	
    		if(conn->db) free(conn->db);
    void die(const char *message, struct Connection *conn)
     * when there is an error returned from a function, it will set an external variable
     * called errno to say exactly what error happened. The errno is just a number, and 
     * the perror function will print the error message of that number.
    	if(errno) {
    	} else {
    		printf("ERROR: %s\n", message);
    	/*close the connection*/
    void Address_print(struct Address *addr)
    	printf("%d %s %s\n", 
    		addr->id, addr->name, addr->email);
    void Database_load(struct Connection *conn)
     * problem.
     * the sizeof(struct Database) is not valid here. The sizeof will return the pointer size
     * since the variables inside of the struct Database is *rows then it's dynamically allocated,
     * the sizeof need to be fixed.
    	long t_dbSize = Database_size(conn);
    	int rc = fread(conn->db, t_dbSize, 1, conn->file);
    	if(rc != 1) 
    		die ("Failed to load database.", conn);
    struct Connection* Database_open(const char *filename, char mode, long in_maxData, long in_maxRow)
    	//allocate memory for a connection struct
    	struct Connection *conn = malloc(sizeof(struct Connection));
    	if(!conn) die("Memory error", conn);
    	//allocate memory for db variable
    	conn->db = malloc(sizeof(struct Database));
    	if(!conn->db) die("Memory error", conn);
    	//set the max row and data numbers
    	conn->db->MaxRows = in_maxRow;
    	conn->db->MaxData = in_maxData;
     	* allocate memory for the rows variable
    	* rows is an array of size conn->db->MaxRows, and each a size of struct Address type
    	* so conn->db->rows[1] is a struct Address type, in which two variables of the type char* need to 
    	* have memory allocated for them. for each of these pointers, we need to allocate 
    	conn->db->rows = malloc(sizeof(struct Address) * in_maxRow);
    	if(!conn->db->rows) die("Memory error", conn);
    	int t_i = 0;
    	for(t_i = 0 ; t_i < conn->db->MaxRows ; t_i++)
    		conn->db->rows[t_i].name = malloc(sizeof(char) * conn->db->MaxData);
    		if(!conn->db->rows[t_i].name) die("Memory error", conn);
    		conn->db->rows[t_i].email = malloc(sizeof(char) * conn->db->MaxData);
    		if(!conn->db->rows[t_i].email) die("Memory error", conn);
    	//if mode is c, then the file is created new
    	//if it's not c, then it's open for reading and also writable,
    	// r+ is open a file for both reading and writting, the file must exist
    	// w creates an empty file for writing, if file exists it's erased, else 
    	// a new one is created
    	if(mode == 'c') {
    		conn->file = fopen(filename, "w");
    	} else {
    		conn->file = fopen(filename, "r+");
    		if(conn->file) {
    	if(!conn->file) die("Failed to open the file", conn);
    	return conn;	
    void Database_write(struct Connection *conn)
    	//set the position indicator with the stream to the begining of the file
    	long t_dbSize = Database_size(conn);
    	//write to the file, the content of the conn->db array
    	int rc = fwrite(conn->db, t_dbSize, 1, conn->file);
    	if(rc != 1) die("Failed to write database.", conn);
    	//any unwritten data in the output buffer is written to the file
    	//the stream shall be flushed after an output operation before
    	//performing an input operation
    	rc = fflush(conn->file);
    	if(rc == -1) die("Cannot flush database", conn);
    void Database_create(struct Connection *conn)
    	int i = 0;
     * for all the rows in the database, create a struct object addr, and assign
     * default values as means of initialization 
    	for(i = 0 ; i < conn->db->MaxRows; i++) {
    		conn->db->rows[i].id = i;
    		conn->db->rows[i].set = 0;
    void Database_set(struct Connection *conn, int id, const char *name, const char *email)
    	//get the element at the specified id	
    	struct Address *addr = &conn->db->rows[id];
    	if(addr->set) die("Already set, delete it first", conn);
    	//set the set bit to 1
    	addr->set = 1;
    	/*copy name to addr->name 
    	*char *strncpy(char *restrict s1, const char *restrict s2, size_t n);
    	*strncpy shall copy not more than n bytes, (all bytes after a null byte are not copied)
    	*from s2, to s1. if size of s2 is less than n, then null bytes are appended to the end
    	* of s1 until all n bytes are written.
    	* strncpy, doens't crash if name or addr->name is greater than MAX_DATA. 
    	* Ask Zed about this
    	memset(addr->name, '\0', conn->db->MaxData);
    	memset(addr->email, '\0', conn->db->MaxData);
    	char *res = strncpy(addr->name, name, conn->db->MaxData);
    	if(!res) die("Name copy failed", conn);
    	res = strncpy(addr->email, email, conn->db->MaxData);
    	if(!res) die("Email copy failed", conn);
    void Database_get(struct Connection *conn, int id)
    	struct Address *addr = &conn->db->rows[id];
    	if(addr->set) {
    	} else {
    		die("ID is not set", conn);
    void Database_delete(struct Connection *conn, int id)
    	conn->db->rows[id].id = id;
    	conn->db->rows[id].set = 0;
    void Database_list(struct Connection *conn)
    	int i = 0;
    	struct Database *db = conn->db;
    	for(i = 0; i< db->MaxRows; i++) {
    		struct Address *cur = &db->rows[i];
    		if(cur->set) {
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    	if(argc < 5) die("USAGE: lesson_9 <dbfile> <Max_rows> <Max_data>  <action> [action params]",NULL);	
    	char *filename = argv[1]; /* the first argument is the filename */
    	char action = argv[4][0]; /* argv[2] is a pointer to a char and argv[2][0] is the first char  */
    	long t_max_row = atoi(argv[2]);
    	long t_max_data= atoi(argv[3]);
    	struct Connection *conn = Database_open(filename, action,t_max_data,t_max_row);
    	int id = 0;
    	if(argc > 5) id = atoi(argv[5]);
    	if(id >= t_max_row) die("There not that many records", conn);
    	switch(action) {
    		case 'c':
    		case 'g':
             if(argc != 4) die("Need an id to get", conn);
    	      Database_get(conn, id);
          case 's':
             if(argc != 8) die("Need id, name, email to set", conn);
             Database_set(conn, id, argv[6], argv[7]);
          case 'd':
             if(argc != 4) die("Need id to delete", conn);
             Database_delete(conn, id);
          case 'l':
             die("Invalid action, only: c=create, g=get, s=set, d=del, l=list", conn); 
    	return 0;
    I'm having difficulty determining the size of the Database struct to use it when writting or reading from a file:
    fwrite(conn->db, t_dbSize, 1, conn->file);

    the t_dbSize is calculated using the Database_size function. Does Database_size calculate the correct amount?

  2. #2
    Master Apprentice phantomotap's Avatar
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    Yog Sothoth!

    Okay. The syntax looks fine. The style could use some work.

    Beyond that, everything related to serialization (file operations) is horribly broken. The thing you are serializing to and from a file has pointers to an unknown location. The data associated with the structures that contain those pointers may or may not be contiguous in memory so you can not simply write them out to a file or read them back from a file as one large array.

    You have to populate the members as is appropriate to the nature of the given type. So, for example, you have to write variables associated with `Address::email' as a "C string", "Pascal string", or other semantic format and read them by allocating an appropriate memory block and writing the file contents to that memory location.


  3. #3
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    Thank you Soma for your reply,
    I thought I allocate those in Database_open function. Where I have:
    for(t_i = 0 ; t_i < conn->db->MaxRows ; t_i++)
          conn->db->rows[t_i].name = malloc(sizeof(char) * conn->db->MaxData);
          if(!conn->db->rows[t_i].name) die("Memory error", conn);
          conn->db->rows[t_i].email = malloc(sizeof(char) * conn->db->MaxData);
          if(!conn->db->rows[t_i].email) die("Memory error", conn);
    I changed Database_size return type to size_t and now it works but only when running in gdb, but not when I run it from the terminal.

  4. #4
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    the problem is you are writing pointers to the file, not the data itself. when you write pointers and read them back they probably won't be valid. depends on what happens to the heap in the meantime. for sure if you write the file in one instance of the program. then read it back in a separate instance the pointers won't point to the data. the fact that it works in gdb is because you got lucky that when you wrote the data then read it back the pointers were still pointing to the original data. but there is no guarantee of that. so you have to do something like this to write a record:
    write maxrows
    write max data
    for each row in Address:
       write id
       write set
       write name
       write email
    then when you read it back you need to do similar:
    read maxrows
    read maxdata
    allocate memoryfor Address
    for each row in Address
       read id
       read set
       allocate memory to store 'name'
       read  from file into 'name'
       allocate memory to store 'email'
       read from file in 'email'

  5. #5
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    I'm working on the same problem, and I tried to follow dmh2000's basic algorithm for reading from and writing to the file.

    I'm seeing problems with the Database write method:

    void Database_write(struct Connection *conn)
        rewind(conn->file); //set position marker at beginning
        struct Database *db = conn->db;  
        fwrite(&db->max_rows, sizeof(int), 1, conn->file); //write max_rows
        fwrite(&db->max_data, sizeof(int), 1, conn->file); //write max_data
    I write these two integers to the start of the file, but when I try to read them in the Database read method, I keep getting 0 as the value.

    void Database_load(struct Connection *conn)
        int max_rows = 0; int max_data = 0;
        struct Database *db = conn->db;    
        fread(&max_rows, sizeof(int), 1, conn->file); //read max rows
        fread(&max_data, sizeof(int), 1, conn->file); //read max data
    I've only been learning C for a few days, so I'm not sure if I'm making an obvious mistake here that I can't recognize. But, I would appreciate your advice. Thanks.

  6. #6
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    @dmh2000: I think I figured out what you meant. I had to re-learn how the OS allocated blocks inside the heap, and i figured out I was allocating blocks in the Database_open function, by traversing down the structure tree and malloc'ing' for each pointer so the conn->db pointer was pointing at a non-contiguous memory blocks.
    And for writing to the file and loading from the file, I was assuming it was all contiguous. And the reason why I think it worked in gdb was because perhaps GDB creates a virutal heap for the application which it trys to run, that's why the application worked every time I executed from GDB but not from the terminal (this is an assumption).

    Based on your comment, I tried to fix the Database_load and Database_write functions by writing and reading from the file, each element one at a time. BUT again I'm getting segementation fault when running from the terminal, but it works fine from GDB.
    here is my updated code:

    *        Lession 9        *      
     * Extra Credit
     * ============
    #include <stdio.h>  /* used for printf, and FILE struct */
    #include <assert.h> /* used for debuging */
    #include <stdlib.h> /* malloc and free are defined here */
    #include <string.h> /* string includes strdup, duplicates a string */
    #include <errno.h>  /* error header */
    #define MAX_DATA 512
    #define MAX_ROWS 100
    struct Address {
    	long id;
    	int set;
    	char *name;
    	char *email;
     * struct rows is actually allocated on the stack.
    struct Database {
    	long MaxRows;
    	long MaxData;
    	struct Address *rows;
     * FILE object are usually created by fopen or tmpfile which both return a reference to 
     * these objects. both of these functions allocate memory, so use fclose to free the resources
    struct Connection {
    	FILE *file;
    	struct Database *db;
    void Database_close(struct Connection *conn)
    	int t_i = 0;
    	if(conn) {
    		if(conn->file) fclose(conn->file);
    		if(conn->db->rows) {
    			for(t_i = 0; t_i < conn->db->MaxRows ; t_i++) {
    				if(conn->db->rows[t_i].name) free(conn->db->rows[t_i].name);	
    				if(conn->db->rows[t_i].email) free(conn->db->rows[t_i].email);	
    		if(conn->db) free(conn->db);
    void die(const char *message, struct Connection *conn)
     * when there is an error returned from a function, it will set an external variable
     * called errno to say exactly what error happened. The errno is just a number, and 
     * the perror function will print the error message of that number.
    	if(errno) {
    	} else {
    		printf("ERROR: %s\n", message);
    	/*close the connection*/
    void Address_print(struct Address *addr)
    	printf("%d %s %s\n", addr->id, addr->name, addr->email);
    void Database_load(struct Connection *conn)
    	int rc = fread(conn->db, sizeof(struct Database), 1, conn->file);
    	if(rc != 1) die ("Failed to load database.", conn);
    	rc = fread(conn->db->rows, sizeof(struct Address) * conn->db->MaxRows, 1, conn->file);
    	if(rc != 1) die ("Failed to load database.", conn);
    	//write each address to the file
    	int t_i = 0;
    	for(t_i = 0 ; t_i < conn->db->MaxRows ; t_i++)
    		rc = fread(conn->db->rows[t_i].email, sizeof(char) * conn->db->MaxData, 1, conn->file);
    		if(rc != 1) die("Failed to write database.", conn);
    		rc = fread(conn->db->rows[t_i].name, sizeof(char) * conn->db->MaxData, 1, conn->file);
    		if(rc != 1) die("Failed to write database.", conn);		
    struct Connection* Database_open(const char *filename, char mode, long in_maxData, long in_maxRow)
    	//allocate memory for a connection struct
    	struct Connection *conn = malloc(sizeof(struct Connection));
    	if(!conn) die("Memory error", conn);
    	//allocate memory for db variable
    	conn->db = malloc(sizeof(struct Database));
    	if(!conn->db) die("Memory error", conn);
    	//set the max row and data numbers
    	conn->db->MaxRows = in_maxRow;
    	conn->db->MaxData = in_maxData;
     	* allocate memory for the rows variable
    	* rows is an array of size conn->db->MaxRows, and each a size of struct Address type
    	* so conn->db->rows[1] is a struct Address type, in which two variables of the type char* need to 
    	* have memory allocated for them. for each of these pointers, we need to allocate 
    	conn->db->rows = malloc(sizeof(struct Address) * in_maxRow);
    	if(!conn->db->rows) die("Memory error", conn);
    	int t_i = 0;
    	for(t_i = 0 ; t_i < conn->db->MaxRows ; t_i++)
    		conn->db->rows[t_i].name = malloc(sizeof(char) * conn->db->MaxData);
    		if(!conn->db->rows[t_i].name) die("Memory error", conn);
    		conn->db->rows[t_i].email = malloc(sizeof(char) * conn->db->MaxData);
    		if(!conn->db->rows[t_i].email) die("Memory error", conn);
    	if(mode == 'c') {
    		conn->file = fopen(filename, "w");
    	} else {
    		conn->file = fopen(filename, "r+");
    		if(conn->file) {
    	if(!conn->file) die("Failed to open the file", conn);
    	return conn;	
    void Database_write(struct Connection *conn)
    	//set the position indicator with the stream to the begining of the file
    	 * cannot write the whole structure in a single write.
    	 * The memory is allocated by traversing down the structure path 
    	 * and allocating one pointer at a time. This doens't garentee that
    	 * the whole data is in a single continues block
    	 //int rc = fwrite(conn->db, t_dbSize, 1, conn->file);
    	//write the database to the file
    	int rc = fwrite(conn->db, sizeof(struct Database), 1 , conn->file);
    	if(rc != 1) die("Failed to write database.", conn);
    	rc = fwrite(conn->db->rows, (sizeof(struct Address) * conn->db->MaxRows), 1 , conn->file);
    	if(rc != 1) die("Failed to write database.", conn);
    	//write each address to the file
    	int t_i = 0;
    	for(t_i = 0 ; t_i < conn->db->MaxRows ; t_i++)
    		rc = fwrite(conn->db->rows[t_i].email, sizeof(char) * conn->db->MaxData, 1, conn->file);
    		if(rc != 1) die("Failed to write database.", conn);
    		rc = fwrite(conn->db->rows[t_i].name, sizeof(char) * conn->db->MaxData, 1, conn->file);
    		if(rc != 1) die("Failed to write database.", conn);		
    	//any unwritten data in the output buffer is written to the file
    	//the stream shall be flushed after an output operation before
    	//performing an input operation
    	rc = fflush(conn->file);
    	if(rc == -1) die("Cannot flush database", conn);
    void Database_create(struct Connection *conn)
    	int i = 0;
     * for all the rows in the database, create a struct object addr, and assign
     * default values as means of initialization 
    	for(i = 0 ; i < conn->db->MaxRows; i++) {
    		conn->db->rows[i].id = i;
    		conn->db->rows[i].set = 0;
    void Database_set(struct Connection *conn, int id, const char *name, const char *email)
    	printf("id:%d , name:%s , email:%s \n", id, name, email);
    	//get the element at the specified id	
    	struct Address *addr = &conn->db->rows[id];
    	printf("addr address :%p \n", addr);
    	printf("id: %d ", addr->id);
    	printf("set: %d ", addr->set);
    	printf("name: %s ", addr->name);
    	printf("email: %s \n", addr->email);
    	if(addr->set == 1) die("Already set, delete it first", conn);
    	printf("after addr->set is called");
    	//set the set bit to 1
    	addr->set = 1;
    	/*copy name to addr->name 
    	*char *strncpy(char *restrict s1, const char *restrict s2, size_t n);
    	*strncpy shall copy not more than n bytes, (all bytes after a null byte are not copied)
    	*from s2, to s1. if size of s2 is less than n, then null bytes are appended to the end
    	* of s1 until all n bytes are written.
    	* strncpy, doens't crash if name or addr->name is greater than MAX_DATA. 
    	* Ask Zed about this
    	printf("before memset is called \n");
    	memset(addr->name, '\0', conn->db->MaxData);
    	memset(addr->email, '\0', conn->db->MaxData);
    	printf("memset is called \n");
    	char *res = strncpy(addr->name, name, strlen(name) + 1);
    	if(!res) die("Name copy failed", conn);
    	printf("strncpy is called \n");
    	res = strncpy(addr->email, email, strlen(email) + 1);
    	if(!res) die("Email copy failed", conn);
    	printf("strncpy email is called \n");
    void Database_get(struct Connection *conn, int id)
    	struct Address *addr = &conn->db->rows[id];
    	if(addr->set) {
    	} else {
    		die("ID is not set", conn);
    void Database_delete(struct Connection *conn, int id)
    	conn->db->rows[id].id = id;
    	conn->db->rows[id].set = 0;
    void Database_list(struct Connection *conn)
    	int i = 0;
    	struct Database *db = conn->db;
    	for(i = 0; i< db->MaxRows; i++) {
    		struct Address *cur = &db->rows[i];
    		if(cur->set) {
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    	if(argc < 5) die("USAGE: lesson_9 <dbfile> <Max_rows> <Max_data>  <action> [action params]",NULL);	
    	char *filename = argv[1]; /* the first argument is the filename */
    	char action = argv[4][0]; /* argv[2] is a pointer to a char and argv[2][0] is the first char  */
    	long t_max_row = atoi(argv[2]);
    	long t_max_data= atoi(argv[3]);
    	struct Connection *conn = Database_open(filename, action,t_max_data,t_max_row);
    	printf("Con->db detailsL MaxRows=%d MaxData=%d \n",
    	int id = 0;
    	if(argc > 5) id = atoi(argv[5]);
    	if(id >= t_max_row) die("There not that many records", conn);
    	switch(action) {
    		case 'c':
    		case 'g':
             if(argc != 4) die("Need an id to get", conn);
    	      Database_get(conn, id);
          case 's':
             if(argc != 8) die("Need id, name, email to set", conn);
             Database_set(conn, id, argv[6], argv[7]);
          case 'd':
             if(argc != 4) die("Need id to delete", conn);
             Database_delete(conn, id);
          case 'l':
             die("Invalid action, only: c=create, g=get, s=set, d=del, l=list", conn); 
    	return 0;
    If I'm being a help vampire, please let me know. Thanks.

    @dpryor: how are you allocating memory for the conn object before passing it to the Database_load function?
    Last edited by armen; 06-10-2012 at 11:10 PM.

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