Quote Originally Posted by anduril462 View Post
Nice, looks pretty good. One correction to your formulas.....
This is why I need to understand things better.
I dont like using formulas and functions I don't fully, understand so..... I will keep practicing.
I thought that it was the difference between the top and low percentages. So, instead it IS the percentages.?..?.
As for the 40, that was just me being brain dead overwhelmed by code.

This might be in the wrong post, but since we are all here......

Like I said Im new to this.
I' pretty literate with HTML, and CSS. I am currently learning Javascript.

But what exactly can I do with C. I originally took the class because I heard that it would help me better understand other languages.
My teacher told me that a c programmer NEVER uses scanf.
He does database stuff.
So if a lot of c programmers dont get user input, where do they get the input from.
And I know it is used for networking applications, but what else.

Can I call and or control other programs with c?

I know c is works on all OS's so cant I create apps for mac and linux?

And my main question for my teacher, which he said shouldn't be done with c, is GUI.
I just have a hard time wrapping my mind around programs that the user doesn't somehow interface with.
So is c usually all background programs?
Is there generally never a GUI with c?

Maybe Im posting in the wrong threat, let me know and I will post another thread if this is the case.

Regardless, thanks so much for the help.