hello ...I dont know if here is the right place for my question :
Write a C program linear.c that creates a sequence of processes with a given length. By
sequence it is meant that each created process has exactly one child.
Let's look at some example outputs for the program.
Here the entire process sequence consists of process 18181:
Sara@dell:~/OSSS$ ./linear 1
Creating process sequence of length 1.
18181 begins the sequence.
An example for a sequence of length three:
Sara@dell:~/OSSS$ ./linear 3
Creating process sequence of length 3.
18233 begins the sequence.
18234 is child of 18233
18235 is child of 18234

........ this is coad .... BUt i could not compleate it .....
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

int N;
pid_t pid;

int cont;

if (argc != 2) {
printf("Wrong number of command-line parameters!\n");
return 1;

N = atoi(argv[1]);

printf("Creating process sequence of length %d.\n",N);

printf("%d begins the sequence.\n",getpid());

/* What I have to do next ?????? */
