Guys I could use some help!
I have a C program project about booking in a theatre.
So we have this theatre that has 10 rows and 4 seats in every row.
So the seats of the first row are A1,A2,A3 and A4.
This program must show all the empty seats and the program must give the alternatives:
Press E to show all the seats
Press K to book a seat
Press Q to exit the program
For the alternatives I must use a function( void menu() ).
If the user press E the program must show all the seats(empty or not).
If the user press K then the program asks the user the number of seats he wants to book and the user must print the number of the seat he wants(for example A1).
Use a two-dimensional array to show the theatre seats.
For example the [0][0] is the A1 or the [0][1] is the A2 e.t.c.
At first every seat is empty so every seat in our array has 0.When we see 0 we will understandtha a seat is empty.
When a seat is booked the array object will have 1 so the user knows that this seat is taken.
The program must not book a seat that is taken.
When a user press K but all the seats are taken the program must show the neccesary message.
This procedure must go on until all the seats are taken or we press Q.

Thank you a lot,
Ace Rockson