Quote Originally Posted by andrew89 View Post
You're really confusing. What is (n!)^2? Is that any number to the second power? Any number XOR'ed to the second power? Then you start talking about brute force and prime numbers. Can you sum up EXACTLY what you're trying to accomplish?
Actually, what I've said you is a part of program... sorry for not disclosing everything.
The mathematical analysis for the puzzle ends at finding number of positive integral factors of (n!)^2 [ read as N factorial square ] .. Its a number to second power.

So, the answer for number of positive solutions would be ( factors( n! ^ 2) + 1 ) / 2
but the issue I am facing is to find the prime factors .. As n! itself would be huge, n! ^ 2 would be "Can't Imagine".. ex: take n = 1235.. n! itself goes too big. [ These are the numbers I got to deal with. max range of n = 10^6 ].

So, how could I do that... Its pretty well understood that I can't solve in brute force way.
I can't even use external lib. - I mean I shouldn't