Hello Everyone, I have been asked to write a GPA system for my college assignment and i am facing some problems. The question stated that i must use Two Dimensional Array to store the grades of all students in a class. The subjects are a fixed amount of columns which are 5. The rows however are unlimited. How do i declare/ initialize this? I am also unsure on how to store these data's.

This is all i have right now. Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong? I am still a newbie to C.

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_COLLUMN 5
#define MAX_ROWS []

int main()
    // Variable Declarations //
    char grade;
    int subjects_taken,Array[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLLUMN],i,student_no = 1;
    double totalmarks,gpa;

    // Input //
    printf("Enter Number of students to process : ");
    scanf("%d", MAX_ROWS);
    printf("Student #%d\n",student_no);
        printf("Enter Student #%d's Grade for subject #%d",student_no,i);
        scanf("%c", &grade);
        if (grade = 'A')
            Array[MAX_ROWS][i] = 4.0;
        else if (grade = 'B')
            Array[MAX_ROWS][i] = 3.0;
        else if (grade = 'C')
            Array[MAX_ROWS][i] = 2.0;
        else if (grade = 'D')
            Array[MAX_ROWS][i] = 1.0;
        else if (grade = 'E')
            Array[MAX_ROWS][i] = 0.0;
    // Process //
    totalmarks = Array[MAX_ROWS][0] + Array[MAX_ROWS][1] + Array[MAX_ROWS][2] + Array[MAX_ROWS][3] + Array[MAX_ROWS][4];
    gpa = totalmarks / subjects_taken;

    // Output //
    printf("                                Examination Report                              ");
    printf("Student No.                           Subjects                                  ");
    printf("            English     Maths       Science     History     Social Studies      ");
    printf("    %d                                                                          ");

    return 0;