Thread: How can I learn?

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  1. #1
    @CommonTater - it's "inside" opinions like this that make me doubt sometimes whether learning C++ is really worth the effort. I used to do a lot of Java learning in the past and I got quite far with it. But it never really satisfied me since I wanted to be a bit more "basic" than this. Additionally, I don't like the idea of being dependent on the goodwill of a huge company, especially not with a company like Oracle. I have been a linux user and a follower of the ideas and the philosophy of open source for many years now, and I haven't come across any good news in connection with the name "Oracle". I worked through a basic book of C, but since I like Qt way better than GTK+, everywhere I look I happen to find C++ and OOP.

    I started several times trying to learn C++, but I don't get the feeling I am moving on in any way. I never had that feeling with C, where I definitely saw progress. Parts of me really *want* to learn C++, but then other voices inside my head always tell me that I'd be better off sticking with C and working my way through GTK+.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by dennis.cpp View Post
    @CommonTater - it's "inside" opinions like this that make me doubt sometimes whether learning C++ is really worth the effort. I used to do a lot of Java learning in the past and I got quite far with it. But it never really satisfied me since I wanted to be a bit more "basic" than this. Additionally, I don't like the idea of being dependent on the goodwill of a huge company, especially not with a company like Oracle. I have been a linux user and a follower of the ideas and the philosophy of open source for many years now, and I haven't come across any good news in connection with the name "Oracle". I worked through a basic book of C, but since I like Qt way better than GTK+, everywhere I look I happen to find C++ and OOP.

    I started several times trying to learn C++, but I don't get the feeling I am moving on in any way. I never had that feeling with C, where I definitely saw progress. Parts of me really *want* to learn C++, but then other voices inside my head always tell me that I'd be better off sticking with C and working my way through GTK+.
    First off, don't get me started on "Open Source"... lets just say "Too many cooks spoil the broth". One perfect example of this is the D programming language. The compiler's author did an amazing job with the core language but then he stupidly opened the libraries for open source development. A year later he's got two competing libraries, both loaded with a bunch of crap nobody will ever use and totally incompatible with eachother. Nobody ever created a full import of Windows API and now the thing is virtually abandoned... Dead D.

    I kept telling myself it was time to move on from C and Windows API... "there just has to be something better" says I... Well after messing with something like 20 or 30 different languages and their libraries I keep on ending up back on C. I seem to either hit a wall where the language just doesn't make sense to me or some grand flaw reveals itself.

    Then after messing with several different compilers and IDEs for C, I always seem to land myself back on Pelles C which, far as I can tell, is the only IDE/Library/Compiler that "does it all" as far as Windows is concerned.

    I've been around this loop so many times I'm getting dizzy. There is no denying that C is lacking (as I outlined above) but experience tells me that it's the only viable alternative I have available to me at this time.

    To be honest... If there was a version of traditional Pascal with a full set of Windows API imports, support for unicode, and a compiler that reliably generated both x86 and x64 binaries, I'd be there in a heartbeat. At one point I "extracted" the base Pascal out from under Delphi, redid the RTL (Run Time Library) to remove dependence on Objects, rewrote a few functions for better perfomance and worked with that for most of 4 years. It worked just fine except for a number of missing Windows imports that I never could get working.

    (And yes I know about "Free Pascal" but as a friend of mine says: "It's an ant farm ... full of bugs")

  3. #3
    [](){}(); manasij7479's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommonTater View Post
    At one point I "extracted" the base Pascal out from under Delphi, redid the RTL (Run Time Library) to remove dependence on Objects, rewrote a few functions for better perfomance and worked with that for most of 4 years. It worked just fine except for a number of missing Windows imports that I never could get working.
    Instead of always badmouthing Open Source, you should try to look at the benefits too.
    If you could look at what exactly was wrong in this case, you could have succeeded.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by manasij7479 View Post
    Instead of always badmouthing Open Source, you should try to look at the benefits too.
    If you could look at what exactly was wrong in this case, you could have succeeded.
    Oh believe me, I've given it a pretty fair trial over the years, even participated in a few projects.

    Given some of the bickering and fence building I've seen, I remain convinced that a tight group, or a single person, will almost always do a better job than having people who's primary credential is ownership of a computer messing about in the code.

    Have you ever considered how strong and how well standardized Linux could be if it was developed by a core group of specialist coders? Really... you want a dog's breakfast, try making sense of all the Distros and branches of that OS... waddafreakingmess!

    By way of contrast... Look at Pelles C... the whole thing was done by one person (Pelle Orinius) and the result is magnificent. It's consistent, complete, easy to use, standards conforming and extremely well documented. Can't say that about most open source work.
    Last edited by CommonTater; 11-11-2011 at 07:03 AM.

  5. #5
    spurious conceit MK27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommonTater View Post
    Have you ever considered how strong and how well standardized Linux could be if it was developed by a core group of specialist coders?
    If by that you mean, have a core group of specialist coders develop and package the entire OS, that would well and truly suck. I think the linux world is much stronger for its diversity. That does place certain extra responsibilities on the user, but I also consider that a good thing, because god save us from drooling hordes of idiots -- they should turn back at the door, thanks. I'm an elitist that way.

    Conversely, I have to use "centrally managed for the masses" windows and OSX occasionally, and IMO they are absolute lowest common denominator crap -- totally inflexible with a ridiculous interface that is the product of marketers, not programmers. OSX is particularly goofy. Windows is just obtuse and awkward.

    Anyway, linux proper (the kernel) is developed by a core group of specialized coders. Go tell them, "Oh I heard this is open source so I am free to get involved, be a goof, and screw things up." I am sure they will be enthralled.

    Really... you want a dog's breakfast, try making sense of all the Distros and branches of that OS... waddafreakingmess!
    Because you don't get it, and no one is really trying to sell it to you. I agree it is probably very shocking coming from the sterile, monotonic world of windows.

    Keep in mind that altho some people have made a business out of linux, linux is not in any way shape or form a business, and this is reflected in the nature of "the product". Very positively, IMO, but the contrast is stark. If all you like to eat is stuff you can buy at the corner store in a foil package, putting a fresh vegetable in your hand might well gross you out.

    By way of contrast... Look at Pelles C... the whole thing was done by one person (Pelle Orinius) and the result is magnificent. It's consistent, complete, easy to use, standards conforming and extremely well documented. Can't say that about most open source work.
    I can say it about most of the open source work I depend upon. Look at the mozilla project compared to the cluster___ know as "Internet Explorer", etc. I can't really say anything for the documentation of either of them, but certainly Mozilla firefox is significantly more standards compliant and generally less defective.

    And GCC is hands down the most popular C compiler in the world, for better or worse. Similarly, the internet runs mostly on apache, an open source project.
    Last edited by MK27; 11-11-2011 at 07:58 AM.
    C programming resources:
    GNU C Function and Macro Index -- glibc reference manual
    The C Book -- nice online learner guide
    Current ISO draft standard
    CCAN -- new CPAN like open source library repository
    3 (different) GNU debugger tutorials: #1 -- #2 -- #3
    cpwiki -- our wiki on sourceforge

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