First off I just want to point out that I'm fairly new to C. I've done a bit of playing around with pointers and have (mostly) successfully built a linked list that works fine. The issue I'm having now is I'm trying to divide up the initialization portion of a game I'm working on into multiple functions called from inside an Initialize() function. It's starting to get real ugly quickly as I add pointers to try and maintain changes so the values are actually initialized when I get past Initialize().

From my understanding to change the address that a pointer points to you need to pass in a pointer to that pointer. I've tried that and it works fine if I change said address after only going one function deep. But when I try to pass this to another function, I have no idea as to what I should do both to pass it as a parameter and use it inside the next function (should I or should I not dereference it, if so how many times, what syntax should I use for this, etc.).

Right now I'm getting a compile error:
mylib/game.c: In function `LoadLayers':
mylib/game.c:146: error: request for member `object' in something not a structure or union
I'm not sure if I'm just not dereferencing it right or what (I've tried just one *, using ->object, etc.). Help is much appreciated!

This is what I have so far (just out of the affected functions).

/* From right before my primary game loop */

  GameCharacter *player;
  LinkedList_AA *artBank;
  LinkedList_GO *layers;
  layers = NULL;
  artBank = NULL;
  player = NULL;
  Initialize(&player, &artBank, &layers);

  if (player == NULL)
    printf("\nPLAYER IS NULL!");
  if (artBank == NULL)
    printf("\nARTBANK IS NULL!");
  if (layers == NULL)
    printf("\nLAYERS IS NULL!");
/* Initialization function definitions */
void Initialize(GameCharacter **player, 
  LinkedList_AA **artBank, LinkedList_GO **layers)
  *artBank = InitializeList_LL_AA();  
  *player = LoadGameCharacter("assets/objectdata/player.txt", 
    *artBank, EmptyVector2D(), "player");
  LoadLayers(layers, player);
  printf("\n\nLoad successful!\n\n\n");

void LoadArtBank(LinkedList_AA *artBank)
  ArtAsset *testAsset;
  testAsset = LoadArtAsset("assets/art/test.txt");

  AddNode_LL_AA(artBank, testAsset);

void LoadLayers(LinkedList_GO** layers, GameCharacter** player)
  int numLayers;
  numLayers = 3;
  *layers = InitializeListArray_LL_GO(numLayers);

  /* Right here is the line that's giving me grief 
      - no matter how I deference it I get the compile
      error listed below */
  AddNode_LL_GO(layers[2], **player.object); 
/* From my linked list library */
LinkedList_GO* InitializeListArray_LL_GO(int numLists)
  LinkedList_GO *newLists;
  int i;
  newLists = malloc(numLists * sizeof(LinkedList_GO));
  for(i = 0; i < numLists; i++)
    newLists[i].current = NULL;
    newLists[i].start = NULL;
  return newLists;

/* Function prototype - I don't believe the inner workings
  are important for solving this issue */
bool AddNode_LL_GO(LinkedList_GO *list, GameObject *newData);
/* Game character definition */
typedef struct GameCharacter
  Vector2D velocity;
  /* This is what I'm trying to access */
  GameObject object;  
} GameCharacter;
To clarify a few things:
- I want layers to be an array of linked lists - so I can call layers based on their index (i.e. layer[0] = layer 0)
- GO stands for GameObject, AA stands for ArtAsset (both structs I created and am using)