Everything is explained in the program on how it works. However, when compiled, it doesn't display the longest string. It displays the string I last entered. For example if I enter "What" "kind" "of" "program" "is" "this," it displays "this."
#include <stdio.h>
#include "strlib.h"
#include "genlib.h"
#include "simpio.h"


      string i, z, g;
      printf ("This program displays the longest string out of the strings you input.\n");
      printf ("Signal the end of your input list with the word 'end'.\n");
      printf ("Enter your first string: ");
      g = GetLine();
      while (!(StringEqual (g , "end")))
            z = g;
            printf ("Enter your next string: ");
            g = GetLine();
            if (StringLength (g) > (StringLength (z)))
                  i = g;
      printf ("\nThe longest string is: %s", i);